Has anyone else noticed this ?

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
We have texaco stations here, The Shells are going away. They get bought out all the time, or stores change their affiliation with their suppliers.
Yes but I haven't seen expansion like this on Chevron or Texaco ever , like I said all there haven't been Texaco stations here in many years. It's another Exxon-Mobil type merger , you do realize all these guys were split from Standard oil years ago because of monopoly, pretty much the way AT&T was split up , and slowly but surely all the small guys get bought up till there are only two or three companies running the whole show again, because America !


Buy a Superjet
Speaking of gas; 87 is going for 5$+ around me right now, but e-85 is only $3.49. Anyone running e-85 in there ski?

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I have no idea who wrote this song for them but the lyrics are scary as hell, this song came out 23 years ago , click the linky thingy.

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