Havasu !! Good to Go...


Freighter wake hunter
Portland, OR
I like how the first related video is the one I shot of Eric's win in 2006 that the IJSBA:

I had a version on my web site that was high quality and a lot more freestyle from that year. Someone downloaded Eric's and put it on Youtube. The IJSBA (Scott F) threatened me with legal action if I didn't take down the high quality vids. You can read the lively discussion about that here:
Public opinion didn't go in the IJSBA's favor.

I was just trying to bring the great freestyle action to the people.

I haven't felt the same about the world finals after the IJSBA threats.

x slide

caribbean team
Awesome clip! The World Finals IS the ultimate PWC event bar none!
Hope we get to make the trip again this year!

Yeahh:arms: Hope we can make it to !!

We did some nice shooting this 2005 years but no time to made a vid until now ! Thanks to Ludo (X Slide team represent )who take the time for it :439:!
We have a lot more shooting so maybe we will do some moreeeee !
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