congrats! everybody looks great in those pics?
S Submarine Dollar Ballerina Location Arizona Oct 18, 2006 #22 Nice to meet you too Ronny & Ally (even though I'm so oblivious as to talk to you once without realizing who you were). Awesome shots!
Nice to meet you too Ronny & Ally (even though I'm so oblivious as to talk to you once without realizing who you were). Awesome shots!
F FRESHY X Location Anaheim, CA Oct 18, 2006 #25 Great pics Ronny!!! I had a great time haging with and meeting you and Ally at the world finals. Mike@hydroturf
Great pics Ronny!!! I had a great time haging with and meeting you and Ally at the world finals. Mike@hydroturf
Y yamaslut Guest Oct 18, 2006 #26 Submarine said: Hey I wanted my pic taken with Ally! Click to expand... don't we all..... he he he... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Submarine said: Hey I wanted my pic taken with Ally! Click to expand... don't we all..... he he he... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
YAMA CAT Catnip Junkie! Location B'ham, AL Oct 18, 2006 #27 :cheer: :cheer: I always enjoy seeing your photo in all the Watercraft Mags:cheer: :cheer: :You_Rock_Emoticon:
:cheer: :cheer: I always enjoy seeing your photo in all the Watercraft Mags:cheer: :cheer: :You_Rock_Emoticon:
RonnyMac Location Atlanta Oct 19, 2006 #28 Thanks a lot! All of you!!! Just one more gallery to do now. (Lifestyle) Starting that tonight.
P PancakePete Guest Oct 19, 2006 #29 Some one erased my post... WTF.... Great Pics Ronny ! :biggthumpup:
RyanO X Location Gold Coast, Australia Oct 19, 2006 #31 hey ronny, tried to catch you on sunday but u were snapping foto's from the water and i had to leave early. next year =\ ?
hey ronny, tried to catch you on sunday but u were snapping foto's from the water and i had to leave early. next year =\ ?