Here's a good idea of what you'd be into:
I definitely have thought about it. I recently did an 144 pump swap FX-1 project. Essentially what I did was get an sj tunnel witch had been made from a mold of an sj from a member on here and glassed it in.Have you or have you thought about making your own Hull?
Im new to the sport, and I’m just curious. I’ve researched the forum reviews and noticed many great Hull’s come from individuals instead of very large manufacturers. Specifically Air Blair as an example.
I come from a motorcycle background and it’s very common to make your own motorcycle frame. A motorcycle frame is where the motorcycle starts much like a ski hull (from my research.)
That being said, I’m curious to know or see what people think about making your own hull or hearing from those who have. Does anyone sell molds or plans?
This!My take is if you want to do it just do it and don't give two damns what anyone else thinks, that's always worked for me .
you are batpoop mental and I seriously can’t believe that you have dug yourself in this deep. A delusion of grandeur would be me posting something like I’m building my ski hull and I know nothing!A hater is someone who's jealous of what you have
A naysayer is someone who's telling you you can't do it
A negative Nancy is just gonna day everything is bad no matter what.
What experienced people have said. Is it is a waste of time to get the desired result.
A person who's gonna build a hull. Really wants to. Isn't gonna ask about it online. They would search. PM pros. Read. Read read read read read read. And then read some more. And then start small. Mess up. Progress. Read read read read read. Get better. PM some more pros. And finally present their hull idea/design for criticism. Like the inverse hull.
This dude has dreams of grandeur and people told him about it
I was just at a birthday party tonight and a few people there had skis, one person pretty much expressed your post and they said go cut up a js550. He said they’re great surf skisDon't cut up a Superjet. Why does a good ski have to die for your amusement?This site should be dedicated to restoring superjets, not killing them off.
Sparkplug is being abrasive, no doubt about that, however you following suit and going scorched earth isn't helping your case here, there it is , two cents are batpoop mental and I seriously can’t believe that you have dug yourself in this deep. A delusion of grandeur would be me posting something like I’m building my ski hull and I know nothing!
If I was daft enough to think that way I would totally agree with your attitude. You clearly have experience in this ski field.
Now on to the stupid moronic way you described research and development…
Listen dude, I’m a PROFESSIONAL in my respective fields.
Something that’s not professional is bothering someone who does something for a living for FREE advice. I’m not a rude person and I’m not going to PM pros and bother them or ask for free advice. If I wanted to do that I would pay for it like a normal person and not look for handouts.
You’re a piece of work, I can’t believe your suggestion is I bother PROFESSIONALS for free advice. Multiple individuals have linked plenty of great information.
You’re really just a sad man that can’t take accountability.
Btw can you please send me the reading list for how to build a stand up jet ski? According to you there is no reading to be done on forums…how stupid could I be to use a FORUM! Send me the list of books I need to Read. Read read read read read read. And then read some more. Let me know!
Edit: Address me directly. I have my goddamn government name as a handle and you are too afraid to address me directly?
I’m probably just being a moron responding to you now. Thanks for the rock fight, if you ever want to back up your claim of “you should see me in real life” let me know. I take a red eye to CA twice a quarter. We can link up and let everyone know how you are in real life. I’m in Boston, if you’re ever in town let me know.
I pray for the day the internet doesn’t let people like you hide behind your silly “sparkplug” character you’ve created.
Getcha swaller!It's a forum. A place where opinions can be exchanged. No need to get all butt hurt and fly across the country to whip someone. Lol. I find it helpful if you give the stong personalities a voice while reading their posts in your head. For example.. I use a Sheldon voice for Sparkplug and WFO Speedracer post's get Roll tide Willie.
Yeah I was drunk last night and went full rock fight mode. Probably should avoid that in the futureMore like Jim Fyfe, the voice of Auburn football .
Touchdown Auburnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,
One more thing in his quest to go scorched Earth on Sparkplug HarryConnolly apparently missed the point , when Sparkplug said read read read I believe he was referring to the massive amount of information contained in builds here on this very forum.
I got licoriceing cocked at my buddies birthday the other night and was like I wanna try to build a jet ski then was like look at this poop this guy says I’m stupid. Honestly biker culture seems to be very similar to the culture here.Damn I was gonna say get a pair of these and it will all be good but apparently you already did !
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