This may be long, but both myself and Tom21 need some input:
2005 SXR- recently (and suddenly) started running bad: take it out on the water, it'd run decent for about 10 minutes, then it would begin to sputter- at full throttle the power would drop off every 2 or 3 seconds or so. After a few more minutes, problem gets worse, until finally the ski runs as if it is on one cylinder, won't go over 2 mph, and there is only one spot on the throttle where it will run at a fairly good clip. If you move the throttle a millimeter in any direction, it will bog.
Take it out of the water, it revs fine, or so it seems. Even after sitting in the water for an hour, you take the ski out again and it IMMEDIATELY runs like crap.
Then, upon pulling the plugs, it appears as if the ski is ingesting water. Clean up the plugs, ski starts up fine.
Exhaust seems unusually hot (both water coming out of the pisser and the pipe itself-STOCK exhaust).
Pulled the head and pipe- no evidence of leaks or failed gaskets.
Bring the ski home, let it sit in garage for 2 days. Go to fire the ski up, it won't start. Pull the plugs again, and notice water condensation on the electrodes and porcelain. Dry off plugs, spray with WD, ski fires up. Pull plugs again, notice similar water condensation on plugs...very odd.
Thinking bad fuel, water in tank, plugged up carbs, or even an electrical issue. Ski is totally stock. Had an ignition advance jumper, but when replaced the jump with the stock temp sensor, ski ran the same way- crappy.
I tried to make this short- anyone EVER experienced this and have ANY clue what is up? I cannot understand how the ski can sit for 2 days, and water is present in the cylinders and ends up on the plugs. Ski has not been submerged or ingested water badly for months.
THinking of checking the carbs for water, maybe doing a rebuild (it's a 2005 ski, never had a rebuild) , and then draining the tank and checking for water. I've ran about 1/2 a tank of gas through it and it doesn't seem to be getting any better....HELP!!!
2005 SXR- recently (and suddenly) started running bad: take it out on the water, it'd run decent for about 10 minutes, then it would begin to sputter- at full throttle the power would drop off every 2 or 3 seconds or so. After a few more minutes, problem gets worse, until finally the ski runs as if it is on one cylinder, won't go over 2 mph, and there is only one spot on the throttle where it will run at a fairly good clip. If you move the throttle a millimeter in any direction, it will bog.
Take it out of the water, it revs fine, or so it seems. Even after sitting in the water for an hour, you take the ski out again and it IMMEDIATELY runs like crap.
Then, upon pulling the plugs, it appears as if the ski is ingesting water. Clean up the plugs, ski starts up fine.
Exhaust seems unusually hot (both water coming out of the pisser and the pipe itself-STOCK exhaust).
Pulled the head and pipe- no evidence of leaks or failed gaskets.
Bring the ski home, let it sit in garage for 2 days. Go to fire the ski up, it won't start. Pull the plugs again, and notice water condensation on the electrodes and porcelain. Dry off plugs, spray with WD, ski fires up. Pull plugs again, notice similar water condensation on plugs...very odd.
Thinking bad fuel, water in tank, plugged up carbs, or even an electrical issue. Ski is totally stock. Had an ignition advance jumper, but when replaced the jump with the stock temp sensor, ski ran the same way- crappy.
I tried to make this short- anyone EVER experienced this and have ANY clue what is up? I cannot understand how the ski can sit for 2 days, and water is present in the cylinders and ends up on the plugs. Ski has not been submerged or ingested water badly for months.
THinking of checking the carbs for water, maybe doing a rebuild (it's a 2005 ski, never had a rebuild) , and then draining the tank and checking for water. I've ran about 1/2 a tank of gas through it and it doesn't seem to be getting any better....HELP!!!