Helluva SXR issue...need analysis


9 years to retirement...
Tampa Bay
That's got to be an SXR design flaw...I doubt it's cracked. It's gotta have something to do with the way that fuel line breather tube in the pole is designed. DB, it's almost like it's a combination of sand and grit, and maybe some varnished gas that backwashed into the tank somehow- I know when Tom showed that gunk to me, it looked like a paste- like Elmer's glue-and it must be something that reacted with salt water and the gasoline- maybe with ingesting some sand into it.
Hey Tom, have you guys been riding lately? The air temp feels great, but that 67 degree water temp is keeping me away..lol. Going to Daytona??


havin fun
clearwater FL
trying to but I am broke and just trying to keep up with the bills. I may do a daytrip, but I don't think I will know until the last minute.

when there are waves and its cold, put on the suit and ride. its only what an hour or so? life is short and wave days are fewer still. if you have gas money and some time why not? I got a chance to ride with mike. that bastard is crazy!!! jumping 10 feet in the air in a 6 inches of water.:biggthumpup:


X-H20 certified
San Diego
i agree with crab & sjbri .you are describing exactly how my 06 sxr acts when i get water in the tank.i thought the same way ,naa it couldnt be that simple.but it could .we are freestyle enthusiast where i ride ,lots of underwater antics,so its a fairly common problem.for me what i do [i know its not safe] but i stick a shop vac down in the tank where your fuel pick-ups are [since i dont own a siphon] shop vac it totally empty dab the bottom with a rag taped to a stick.next take your carbs off ,and take the covers off on the jets side , remove any fuel [i jently blow out with commpresed air] replace covers.i would start by trying this fix first.if your just trying to add gas, this wont fix the problem.good luck p.s. use a siphon


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
I have had similar issues with my SXR, and SJ in the surf. I also think the new gas with ethanol breaks down weird. Milky sludge water and weak tea colored gas.


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Metro Detroit
I wouldn't be surprised if it is a bad coil or stator. Ive had one of my SXR's run extremely funky when the stator took a crap. However, with the water appearing in the wrong spots, I might think you have a cracked cylinder.....it may be hard to see the cracks but its not impossible.
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