helmet purchasing 101

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
I bought one from bike line 2 years ago and it is holding up great. I paid 40 bucks for it and it was a Youth BMX helmet made by Hard Head.


thanks darin...noswad!
Definatly the Bell ballistic for an inexpensive and super light helmet, just make sure if fits very snug. As with most, they loosen up a bit when wet.


I have a brand new red Cascade w/o cage w/ inflatable pads and pump. very comfy and very safe. The air bags make it fit perfectly on the skull.


Did you get that locally or online? I've been wanting one of these for a while now and can't seem to find anywhere to buy them...

a guy online here gave it to me in return for me donating some cash to the joe kenney fund...

I forgot who it was...

The Penguin

triple secret probation
type in 77082 and see if it works for you. It don't work for me.

I've called a few of the bike shops around here and nobody seems to carry them. If I knew what size I need, I'd just order one from the net.
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