Help From SW Fla

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The Good Old Days
What's on your mind ?

There are 3 vehicles (including mine) heading up to Daytona from the Ft Myers area.
How big is the thing you need brought up ?


Why Me?
The Atl
My Uncle recently passed away and left us a hand built dingy that is about 6 to 7 feet long and about 4 feet wide. I have it temporarliy stored at a another ski addicts house who was nice enough to get it out of his old house for me...He isnt coming to the Daytona ride though....He picked it up and put it on the roof rack of his Toyota FJ Crusier(the new ones), so it isnt that heavy. If you or any of your friends can bring this thing to daytona for me I would be willing to help with your gas for the trip up..

Can you give me an email addy and I can email you pics



The Good Old Days
Now I know what's it about.

My car and trailer is too small for this (sedan with a fully loaded single), but I'll talk to the others and see who has room.
I'm sure we can work this out and as soon as I know who's going to be taking this dingy I'll let you know.

I'll get in tough with Terry and organise a pick up time.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
When I read that I thought you needed a ride! The image of you strapped on a roof rack clinging on to your hat while speeding down the interstate had me ROFL!! :biggthumpup:


Why Me?
The Atl
Adrian, why does National Lampoons Vacation come to mind when I read your post....

And Lisa, you arent flying into SW Fla, you are coming into Mid Fla, O Town!!!!

Boris, let me know if anyone else you know can help.....If not , dont worry, I am just trying to save myself a trip to Ft Myers in the next few weekends if possible......
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