Help me diagnose problem....

94 Blaster had been running good last season. The first time I tried to start it this year it gave me a little troble but started wtih a spray of starting fluid at the house. Got to the lake and again it struggled even with spray. I played around with it, went from ON to RES a few times and it started and ran fine so I thought no problem with it. Took it to the beach last week and it started fine. Later that day I replaced the plugs in the superjet so I did also in the blaster. It started and went about 20 yards and cut off. After spraying it a few times I got it started enough to get it back to the dock.

After some help on the X, I hooked the RES line straight to the carb because it seemed my problem was in the lines or the selector valve. Ended the weekend with it not starting that Friday so I pulled it out of the water, replaced the plugs cause the looked wet and it fired up with some spray.

Since getting it home, I checked the compression on the older (OP) head I have on there and it was 150 in one and 140 in the other. My carb is rejetted for up to 175 and it has a pipe and AM arrestor on it...I decided to go with a new jetmaniac head, new fuel lines and a new selector to see if that solves my problem. I was thinking with the lower compression and the rejetted carb I could be flooding it?????

Right now, for me to start it, I have to spray it, it will turn over for about 10 seconds then start. If I cut it off, it will start back up without spray, however if it sits for any length of time, I have to spray it again to get it to start.

Any ideas here?
Spraying with starting fluid.....

I'm not that smart when it comes to this type thing but I can follow instructions or a youtube :) and accomplish most things. Can you tell me how to check the carb diaphram? Pic of what it looks like?



Arlington TX
I was afraid of that.

General consensus is that starting fluid is no bueno. ESPECIALLY if you're not getting any fuel, because the engine is basically running without oil.

Carb diaphragm is located under this plate. (Item #16 in the exploded view at the bottom.)

When you remove the plate, you'll be looking at the other side of this

Also, your internal filter might be clogged:
Item number 7

Thank you very much for that info. I will check it out. I understand on the spray but thats the only way to start it. Yesterday I backed it in the lake to flush it and started it with spray then it ran at idle for about 5 minutes with no problem. Does this still sound like carb issues?
Thanks for the reply. The first ride it was probably mixed 50/50 but I put stabilizer in as well as the eth treatment at the end of the year. At the beach it was new gas added to about a 1/4 tank and that's still whats in there.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
That should be more than enough to give it some spark but it might be worth seeing if any water separated out and is sitting in the bottom of the tank, (and now carbs and fuel seperator).

I bought an Octane a few years ago and it was doing the same thing. fresh gas cleared it right up.
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