Super Jet help me help a local kid

16 year old kid has a 2010 sj 100 % stock
hes out of town till monday and his dad wants to surprise him
ive installled a bilge pump , 0' bars , pole spring and a new factory b pipe
i know fpp says use stock jets bla bla bla
i havent played with a stock motor since 96
way! to many beers have gone through the system for me to remember 96 specs
ive searched and searched , i know no 2 skis are same just looking for a go starting point other than stock


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
When I installed my FP I was so excited to ride it I took it out without messing with the stock jetting. The thing ran so good I never bothered to changed anything. It hits as hard as anyone else's ski in my crew


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
The last FPP B pipe I purchased new (from FPP) came with new jets, and they were for use with stock 38's and stock flame arrestor. I had to use 140 (or was it 142.5??) mains with aftermarket flame arrestors.
I am in the process of installing a FP on my 2010 Sj. I sure wish I had a neighbor like you to install it. This thing has kicked my Butt! Ive installed it 5 times and something always happens to were I have to take it off.

Jetmanic sent me 135 main and 75pilot with 115g springs.

That is one lucky kid!
it came with 2 mains but why ? if it says stock then why send 2 jets?
ive pulled tons of tamper caps out before but holly crap these sj caps are huge and pita
wass come on down ill help ya but bring some beers! ha
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