I believe my Wisecos called for .005 and I was told that anything less would be bad.
I had heard the same thing and thought that by going .0055 to .006 I would be more than good.
I reread some posts by Bill O'neil and he made a good point. With the proper breakin and warmup EVERYTIME, you could make .005 work for a long time but forget ONCE, and you are done. 0.007 to 0.008 and you will run for a longer time and have much more forgiveness.
He also goes on to say there is absolutely no good reason for running Wisecos in a rec engine. With my limited experience I would have to agree with him, at least on larger bores without the proper clearances anyway.
I aimed for 1150° knowing that I was peaking at 1250° for brief periods, (a few seconds anyways). My probes were as close to the manifold flange as physically possible and extended out into the center of the exhaust flow.
You can see in this pic the brass fitting where the EGT probe was fitted in the manifold right above the Spigot mount.