Other help recommend me a new ski!!

I am just getting into the sport, I have never ridden a ski before, but have tons of experience riding high hp bikes,quads, sleds, boats, and seated PWC. so I am certain I can handle a stand up with some good punch.

anyway, I want to get a stand up that can do 60-70 mph, also do a few flips and tricks... any recommendations? and what kind of engine would I be looking at? is a 1000 or 1200cc needed for what I want to do?
hardly anyone has these units up in my area and no one sells them here, so it is difficult to see one, yet alone test one.

I first thought of getting a new Superjet from the u.s., but they seem a little too gutless for my taste, I am also looking at a gen3 BOB with an SS900 or a Rickter with the 950.

is there a unit I can ride that won't have the nose in the air all day long and be stable at speeds, and still have the functionality of being able to flip? or is this too much to ask for in a ski?
or am I better off modding out a SJ?

Please help me out, I need your experience and advice!

You won't be able to go 60+ and backflip. Those are two totally different skis! I wouldnt start with a ski the has a big motor if you've never ridden a stand up before. If you try to get on a short hull with a 1000cc motor, you won't be able to ride it at all
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Down Side Up
waterford, MI
70 mph on a stand up, crazy talk.
40 feels like 60, and when u eat it, you skip all the way to shore.
My suggestion, buy a modded Superjet ( they hold their value) and learn. then decide what hull will better fit your needs.
i may still go with the SJ, provided they bring them to the states this next year, I am looking for a pair, does it make sense to mod a new one, or buy used and mod it? is it possible to put bigger jugs on these 700cc engines and get them up to 800 or 900 cc?
I read the modding recommendations thread for SJ's, looks like a huge list of little things.
I wanted a new 2012 SJ and then spend the winter researching and modding it, but there are none to be had.


I'd be lost without the x
No point in jumping right up to an 800 or 900cc engine when you have never ridden one before.

Like everybody else has said, buy a modded SJ and go from there.


John Tetenes @Jtetenes
Long Island
There's no need to buy a 2012. 96-07 they are the same just different graphics a better surf boat IMO also for the same price of a new you can get a modded one. The 08-12 are more racing inspired
I love the whole "I ride dirtbikes and quads" thing. Like dirt and water are anything alike at all. Like saying Ive flown a kite, so I can hang glide. They handle nothing like a stand up jet ski. I watch my buddies that ride the piss out of bikes fall over for hours on my ski. You get a 900cc ski with no ezperience, your going to hurt yourself, or blow up the ski and be out 15k.

Get a superjet, or do like most on here and get a POS 550, learn to tinker on it, ride it, and blow it up, then get a sj.
i say go for it, its your money buy what you want. if you wanna go fast get a hydrospace if you wanna flip get a clown ski or one of both!
budget is less then 20k preferred.
when buying mountain sleds I bought the biggest right off the start, no prob handling it, same with sea-doo, quad, and dirtbike, all the biggest engine I could put in it.. so why would this be any different? If I haven't killed myself yet, I don't think a little jet ski is gonna do it. i don't need training wheels. I am smart enough to respect power when I am not used to it, then as my experience grows on each unit I push it harder, rather then buy and sell each year, upgrading into more hp. plus I've surfed, snowboarded... all kinds of activities dealing with edges, carving and loose/flowing medium.

I am thinking a 900cc ski isn't equivalent to what a hayabusa street bike is. and I agree with Sparky, I know it's not gonna handle the same, that's what I am looking for!

anyway, going 70mph is not essential, but i would like something i can feel good torque on, go at least 40mph, and be able to do some tricks on.
I've looked at a few youtubes of guys on stock SJ's they don't really do much, just hop around a little and do nose stabs. I want a little more, but still something that is not gonna take me all summer just to learn to ride properly. (if clown ski's really are that hard to learn on).
Well I don't know chit about flatwater but I do know that is enough money to make flatwater fun! And I completely agree...get the biggest arm yanking shoulder dislocating motor you can buy and grow in to it. Screw SJ's for your needs/budget.

I didn't look on a map but I would go to the New York freeride if you can and ride some stuff.
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Superjets can do quite a bit. Ive never rode any AM hull, so I cant comment on any of those. I know that I can do everything but flip, and no handed stuff on my sj, and it only has a stock 701. They will pop out of the water just fine stock.

I guess if you have the money, and are that confident, go for it. Ive given my ski to a few people, only to see them go ragdoll across the lake. I also have a buddy that pretty much was a natural at them, so it can go both ways.

I know in the next couple years when I go AM hull, its going to be one of the hardest decisions buying something Ive ever made. The reviews are so scattered on most of the big names its hard to get a good idea. I love the footrocket and the BOB gen 3 though alot. Superfreaks seem to get the best rating as far as an all around ski, but again Ive never rode any aftermarket hulls so i cant say at all.

Best of luck to whatever you try, you will like it and have fun. Just be safe and smart
Even in the Rickter video/website they write how even beginners can ride their ski's and the adjustable foot holds make it easy for beginners. that chick in the video doesn't exactly appear to be pro. i don't have any doubt i can ride it, just if that is the right ski for me or not.. maybe there are other brands or styles of hulls?
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