650/X-2 Help!!!!!salt water ski moter


Epoxy is my duct tape
Vise Grips!!! If you break the head off the bolt it's no big deal, move on to the next one, after you get the head off if you have broken any bolts you should be able to try again on the shaft of the bolt with vise grips, and either way you get this thing apart your replacing the bolts right..... All the above ideas should help, but in my experience using heat you need alot of it!

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
sanoman the only difference between kerosene and diesel is the die they color it with

Diesel fuel from the pump is clear or slightly yellow. They only die it when they sell to farms and other off highway use. The die is usually just atf.

Diesel also has cleaning agents to help wash the soot from within the engine which makes it a good parts cleanser. Your oil burning stove does not need these cleaners.

Kerosene is the same or at least very similar as stove oil and both will gel at cooler temperatures. To make diesel not gel at sub zero temps, they add an agent that thins it out. Unfortunately this agent also dilutes the mix and reduces the btu's by volume to the point where winter fuel can have up to 30% less energy than summer fuel.
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OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Lol, all good info but for the arguement posted in this thread, diesel may be more desireable as it has cleaning and penetrating agents.


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
those cleaning and penetrating agents work when it is burned in an engine
not necessarily in your cut down milk jug
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