Help with big air


U.S. Army EOD
St Michaels, MD
I ride on a flat creek so no wake besides what I make with my 750 or a random passing boat. Im just looking for advice on jumping and getting the biggest air I can and of course landing successfully. Im also a new rider so Im still learning the ropes. Thanks guys


Surf Junkie
Agree on the foot holds! Im some what of a newb So I can still entertain myself for hours working on subs and easy stuff like that in the flat water, Foot Holds will allow alot of tricks to be alot easier. In the mean time you can try pressing your feet up against the sides of the try where the foot holds would be to get the back end of the ski in the air a bit better.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Practice your own setup wakes.
You can get quite high off the water off your own wake.

Example, this is mediocre me (and I don't know much about what I am doing):
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I forgot!
hp and a superjet help but until then work on your setup wake. if you can make a setup wake and then teach yourself to hit it and hit it hard you can catch some air. sometimes i can make perfect wakes and other days not so good but when i do hit it i can catch some decent air for flatwater.


U.S. Army EOD
St Michaels, MD
But when I hit my wake should I yank back on the handelbars and push down on the tray, or jump on the tray or what. I guess I need to know the mechanics of the jump. I ride with my toes touching the front pad and my feet side by side becuase it seems that the nose keeps hopping if i dont. Is that incorrect foot placing?
But when I hit my wake should I yank back on the handelbars and push down on the tray, or jump on the tray or what. I guess I need to know the mechanics of the jump. I ride with my toes touching the front pad and my feet side by side becuase it seems that the nose keeps hopping if i dont. Is that incorrect foot placing?

no haha, but its called freestyle for a reason, so do what ever you want.

the most common way to jump a wake is to have both feet in the back of the tray while pusing against the sides or in the footholds, then like you said push down with your feet to make the back of the ski sink a little bit, while the back is sunk nail the gas and yank on the bars. this will probably give you a nose high style which i think looks cool. but if you dont dig it pull your heels towards your butt while in the air to flatten it out.
i know my friends 750 has an ocean pro ride plate and it wont jump for sh**.get a d cut plate and sumthing for sum low end power
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750sx ocean pro ride plate r&d intake grate coffman pipe sbn 46 carb 9/17 prop rev foothold and me 235 pounds.

all my boys i ride with ride superjets becouse everyone says superjet is the way to go well i can make this thing do everything and more. its all in how you set urself up for a jump off a wake or just flat water its all in how u set urself up. one big thing you have to do for realy big air is put a set of footholds in or ur gonna do a fase plant on the pole

I have found that wake timing is everything! Im still a rookie but rely on alot of my racing knowledge from motocross and it seems to carry over well. time your hits to how the wake curls and kinda preload the backend and pin it! I was gettin almost level with wakeboard towers a few times!!


I forgot!
if your looking to catch some air off a boat wake, i alway rip up infront of the boat and charge it head on. cut in dangerously close without observing others and nail the big v-wake that is right behind the boat. too close and you get a little bit too much foam and won't pop off it but if you do it right you should sail well into next week with some kick ass style.


wake jumping pirate
I have found that wake timing is everything!

EXACTLY!!! IMO, the most underated part of jumping wake is know where and how to hit the wake. Reading the wake and knowing when and where to go after it. And the ONLY thing that will cause you to learn is LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of practice. Trust me, if you're committed learning and working on it, you will improve and get better. But there is no easy way to learn how to read the wake and hit it right other than just being out there constantly practicing. Good Luck.
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