Help with Nose Stab please...(pics)

Back from a week of practice...
Sorry, no pics but I have to say 'thanks' for the tips. I have it wired now for the most part. The biggest single thing that helped for me was the "eat the gas cap" comment.
I have to remember to nail the throttle when I land just as I nose in for that vertical blast of water. Plus, I don't always ride out smoothly and end up kind of stopped doing a tailstand before I get going again. I think more throttle will help ride back out from underwater. Yes?


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Riding out smoothly is pretty hard - you'll nearly always end up in a tail stand. The best tip is to make it look like you did that on purpose! The biggest thing about riding out is to land straight, having completed a full 180. If you don't get all the way round then you will get thrown to the side and off balance when the ski reenters the water.
Riding out is balance which will take time to get perfect lean forward so that you are over the ski while under water so the ski is flat when you surface. It takes longer to get back to the top so just do it at an idol so the ski doesn't take on as much water.

I like FAST stabs 15 to 20 mph. Sorta inverted subs I try to tuck and rotate flat with the water so that my head almost hits the water first then kick the rear of the ski away from you which makes the nose catch the water and stands the ski up vertical when you enter the water. Very quick and PIN the throttle when touch down so you go deep. People have time to ask...."where did he go" about the time when you idol to the top.
Here's a pic of a better one.

Right when I think I have it consistently nailed though, I'll try one and end up in the air with arms on the bars, but crossed because my feet have come out of the holds and I'm hanging over the side of the hood superman style trying not to smash into the ski on landing.

Also, I need to remember to nail the gas on landing so there isn't as much force when I hit the water. Sometimes my chest smashes the handle pole hard. I've been camping for a week riding every day and I feel like I've been in a car accident...

2010-08-23 10-53-41 - 0027a.jpg


boost everything
I think your stabs look great...

Alot of people think my stabs are barrel rolls cause mine are huge and so inverted...when i want to do a big STAB i do 2 hop jumps left right left then bang the wake it trows me so crazy most dont know what it is...

I also use that same method to do flat water nose stabs no wake just hop hop stab...
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