Help with Riva/ Factory Chamber


Im done sanding!!!
Dallas Georgia
Need some info about this chamber? What is it? Is it a wet or dry pipe? I originally thought it was a dry And used the manifold on my type 4 but it dosnt appear to be fully jacketed and I thought I read somewhere it was a wet pipe. The previos owner said it was cracked in the waterjacket and was getting water in the Chamber but if its a wet pipe shouldnt that Happen? Im just trying to make sure. Im wanting to get rid of the chamber but dont want to misrepresent it to anybody. I dont know anything about this chamber


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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
it is a wet pipe, if it is cracked, then it no good, you only want a controlled amount of water to enter the pipe to control the "Tuning", not an uncontrolled amount.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
you need to hook a waterline to one of the fittings, block the others, go from there............ it is a decent pipe, not as good as a B Pipe, but better than others.


You could pressurize the waterjacket with air and see if it leaks. If the leak is on the inside it could be very difficult to locate.


drillin like a villian
I am confused...can someone explain why that pipe is considered a wet pipe? I have that same pipe. I can not find any place on the pipe where water enters the chamber besides the stinger. And there are not any adjustment screws like a normal wet pipe... I run water injection on mine, and as far as I know that is the only place water enters the chamber. I have heard it called a wet pipe several times, I just dont understand why?? I also have a type 4 on another ski and I have compared the two, besides the size difference, and the Riva only having a partial water jacket, the designs are similar.


botizzle said:
Ya I know, but where does the water enter the chamber?

I have never been able to see one up close but from the looks of it the only place the water enters the chamber is at the stinger. So technically there is no water in the chamber and it is considered a dry pipe.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
from the collar (Part that mates with the manifold) up to the weld is the waterjacket, there should be a fitting up top, and I think one at the bottom also, if you were to unscrew the fitting, under it is a Carb type jet, you can change your tuning by changing the jet size............


drillin like a villian
Big Kahuna said:
from the collar (Part that mates with the manifold) up to the weld is the waterjacket, there should be a fitting up top, and I think one at the bottom also, if you were to unscrew the fitting, under it is a Carb type jet, you can change your tuning by changing the jet size............

Yup, you are right as usual....but it just has a small pin hole aprox .06 dia drilled into the chamber, not a jet. I obviously didnt see it before.... soooo, now the question is, if I drill it out bigger will it help out on bottom end?


Random Performance
I know this may be a little off topic, but it may help others also. Does anyone have any jetting specs for this pipe, and what kind of RPM's it should pull?

I've had a good hunt around but haven't found any info on it. I understand it's getting a little long in the tooth. BigK, any ideas?
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