Hi Guys ! Im Back !



r u going to try backflips on blaster
Probly ! need to reinforce it first !

Welcome Back Pete, I think I am riding at Marks shop this weekend if you want to join. Cant wait to try my new 08.

I will meet up with you guys... Unless i working this weekend.
Gunna hit surf one day too ! :bananapowerslide:
Thank you. I will post up pics here. I got barbie big brap a blaster.
Fx1 South jersey crew hooked up with a great blaster for great price.
and I did a quicky paint and blinged it for super cheap.

I will post the build here shortly. I was bored at work, got un banned and got a bunch of cad monkeying on my desk. :biggrin:

Hey pete welcome back

Yea nice looking skis lets see some better pics. My blasters still sporting the lovely purple but it usually stays under the cover.
Waiting for someone to sell one already painted.I just can't find the time
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