Pick up a 96+ superjet and you will love it. That is what my girl rides.
lolbut the important question is are you married?
get the yamaha superjet roundnose but since your are a newbie find a square nose superjet before 1995 they are great, very reliable and cheapPlease bare with me as I am knew to this world. I looked that up. Would a Yamaha or Kawasaki be better? When I googled it ..the link took me here..lol an someone has one for $3900...
She may not have started it, but you don't post pics like that & not expect men to react the way most have. If she wanted to be taken seriously, she could have left the pics off.
Well, you gotta wonder.
She didn't come on here looking for a date, to sell you something, or to try to get you to go to another site. She only came on here to ask everyone's opinion and get some feedback on what the best way to start out in this sport.
It wasn't her that started with the catcalls and goo-goo eyes.
I vote we give her the benefit of the doubt until given a reason to do otherwise.
She started by in her first post saying to wanted to meet handsome men and have a provacativ (sp?) signature.
Oddly enough, I didn't get any of that kind of reaction when I first started posting, because I didn't post a pic of myself in a "come and get me" pose, nor talk about "can't wait to meet all you handsome men". Since I didn't talk about meeting men in my first post, no one took that as my only goal. Simple.
That's part of what doesn't make sense to me.She started by in her first post saying to wanted to meet handsome men and have a provacativ (sp?) signature.
Fresh out.oh geez... hand me napkins...
This is probably just Darin Jett screwing around remember he is a super computer networking geek so he could make his IP look like it is coming from the arctic circle if he wanted to. He sure has lost some weight in those pictures though and he let his hair grow out, remember he carries a purse but doesn’t leave it alone in his cart at Wal-Mart.
I think there is something he really needs to tell us.
This is probably just Darin Jett screwing around remember he is a super computer networking geek so he could make his IP look like it is coming from the arctic circle if he wanted to. He sure has lost some weight in those pictures though and he let his hair grow out, remember he carries a purse but doesn’t leave it alone in his cart at Wal-Mart.
I think there is something he really needs to tell us.