High roller front foothold install


Tanner M.
Jacksonville, Fl
Any tips for installing this thing? Turfing tips? Did you guys put padding on the bottom before turfing? Should it be really tight or just enough to hold your foot under it? Im thinking a layer of padding then turf so it won't kill the top of my foot.

Thinking of putting the screws at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock. Or is that overkill?

The Penguin

triple secret probation
probably get done faster if you put in all the screws that the same time, rather than taking a 3-hour break after each one.


I'd put 1 in each corner.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
I think I ran 4 - 1/8" pop rivets (one in each corner) and some silicone around the edges/under the flanges and mine held up until I hammered it out. Granted I typically don't ride foot forward unless I'm just cruising though because I hit my knee on the pole otherwise. One piece of caution... If you center foothold, you're forcing your front foot to be centered as well. That's one reason I really didn't like it. If I ride a foot forward, I put my foot in the front corner...not the middle.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I fiberglassed mine in. To turf, put contact cement on the whole thing and the piece of turf. Let it dry. Put on a another layer. Let it dry. Then start at the botton and stick it on on the middle portion only. Go all the way up. Then stick it on and trim the sides a little bit at a time until you have one seam line in the middle on both sides.

Good luck.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Lol....i put mine square in the center and used sheet metal screws.. What can I say, I am lazy. I got the hold for free at his christmas give away.
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