Custom/Hybrid High Rollers Customs *AMP* hull build

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not trying to be rude, but have you seen everyone elses hull's from highroller? Nothing new to us. I cant complain about the price though, they are the cheapest option out there but you do have to work for it. Plus that is the mold for the hood, not the actual hood.

What he said. The hulls are relatively cheap since all he does it put the fiberglass in the mold for you, and ship them. Compared to a trinity, i would rather save the 5k extra I would be using on a Matrix, and do a little work on the cosmetics of the AMP.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
What he said. The hulls are relatively cheap since all he does it put the fiberglass in the mold for you, and ship them. Compared to a trinity, i would rather save the 5k extra I would be using on a Matrix, and do a little work on the cosmetics of the AMP.

Once you're run into problem 10 or 20 that should've never been a problem in the first place, you may reconsider whether it was worth it to buy this instead of the new BOB. I defended the guy for a long time, even after I got my hull that looked like crap. You can only stack sh*t so high before it really starts to stink. I wish you the best of luck with your build but you need to go into this build knowing that this hull will be a headache for some time to come. So be prepared.

My stunt hull was technically a "ready to ride hull". I tried to keep track of my hours but inevitably you lose track after a while. I'd estimate that I put in around 150 hours into the hull to actually get it ready to ride and I have a huge arsenal of tools at my disposal to make life easier. Sanding and painting took maybe 5 hours total so don't think I spent all that time making it look pretty.


Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
I don't think you can compare a Matrix, Rickter, etc to any High roller hull!!! The Extra 5K gets you design, quality, on the water & riding!!! Good luck with your build, you might consider a bob!!! IMO


Well for me, money is tight. Im only 15, so I try to get my money's worth every time. I'm definitely not bashing Matrix or anything, I rode one at the Freeride, and they are amazing! I also realize that the hull will need alot of man hours, but Ive got nothing to do this summer, and a huge machine shop at my disposal! I could have gone for the BOB, but with this thing being only 50ish LBS for 1.5K, and the BOB carbon hull being 5k, I couldn't afford the BOB. My goal is to get the most air, and stay cost efficient, and in my opinion, I can compromise a sweet-ass design and look, for the price.
Well for me, money is tight. Im only 15, so I try to get my money's worth every time. I'm definitely not bashing Matrix or anything, I rode one at the Freeride, and they are amazing! I also realize that the hull will need alot of man hours, but Ive got nothing to do this summer, and a huge machine shop at my disposal! I could have gone for the BOB, but with this thing being only 50ish LBS for 1.5K, and the BOB carbon hull being 5k, I couldn't afford the BOB. My goal is to get the most air, and stay cost efficient, and in my opinion, I can compromise a sweet-ass design and look, for the price.

more power to you.... good luck with the build. im sure you'll learn alot from doing all the work yourself.
in the long run, if I would have added up all the money from extra parts\buying\selling and shipping costs of buying and selling things that I bought specifically for the stunt I would have FAR surpassed the base price of the BOB. At first I was only looking at hull costs, didnt look into detail of all the extras. Highroller claims the stunt hull to be back flipable with a limited 701. have we seen proof? No, these hulls are a shot in the dark, other than what other people say. BOB had videos of them back flipping their hull before they even sold one. By now, If i would have done my math correctly in the first place I could have had a BOB and been on the water by now.
Now im not saying my decision was wrong, I like my stunt hull so far, because it was put together like it should be and I just have to do minor things. Im not trying to defend highroller (because I CERTAINLY DONT like the way he runs his "business"), but you just have to decide cost to finish factor. And for people like me and powerhouse being 15 and nothing better to do, these hulls are a good project.
yeah ive seen the xft's 3 of my friends have them seen 3 eme's' the lenzi lightweight hulls also aswell as the lightweight octane wamilton built for malone and they all looked pretty good quality.


i can't believe anyone actually still buys this crap. i wouldn't build this wheel barrel if it was given to me. .02

the reason people are still buying into HR's garbage imo is with 2/3 threads of people blowing each other about stunt hulls....

hope your hull turns out the way you want man and if it doesnt at least you learn a lesson and alot of body work skills

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Guys, Powerhouse made a decision, and looks like he is prepared himself for all the extra work. We all know the story, but instead of chitting all over his build, if you have something positive to add or advice (constructive advice) please do so. But if all you are planning to do is bash Highroller, then start another thread and not crap all over this one.
Bay Area
Guys, Powerhouse made a decision, and looks like he is prepared himself for all the extra work. We all know the story, but instead of chitting all over his build, if you have something positive to add or advice (constructive advice) please do so. But if all you are planning to do is bash Highroller, then start another thread and not crap all over this one.

X2 hes doesnt have the money but hes got the time!!! hes going to be rocking a bad arsh boat!! why dont you give him a hand an help him..

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
Guys, Powerhouse made a decision, and looks like he is prepared himself for all the extra work. We all know the story, but instead of chitting all over his build, if you have something positive to add or advice (constructive advice) please do so. But if all you are planning to do is bash Highroller, then start another thread and not crap all over this one.



Customizing addict
Macon, GA
The saddest part of all this bashing is that I'm currently the only person who has posted any kind of negative feedback about highroller in the actual "negative feedback" section and I'm actually happy with my It was just tough to get where I am now. No one else has actually stood up and warned others through their own personal experience. Everyone else just wants to criticize the owners of these hulls and comment on how dumb we all are even though this guys reputation was clean and clear in the feedback section until about a week ago. To those people...I say go ride your $8k-$10k ski moneybags...:rant:

To the original poster of this build... The bottom deck design looks identical to the stunt hull so if you have any problems, you're welcome to contact me since I've worked through all the problems already.
theres alot of good hulls out there at varying prices in the long run its cheaper to get a lw hull rather than the big motor
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