Super Jet Homemade Handle Pole Project

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Aight man, here's my opionion and maybe a way to fix it. I suck at drawing any kind of art piece so hang with me...

Maybe where the bulk that people are talking about, kinda like the RRP pole, make the bulky piece more of a block shape( i tried to kind of raise it in the pic i drew) so it doesn't look like an angled bulky piece that just sticks up in the back and angles down where the pole bolt is. As with some AC pole that might would affect the clearance of some pole brackets, but will def take the bulky look out of it. The only problem with the bulk their talking about in my opinion is in your pics it doesn't look that bad b/c of your stock hood and nose piece being higher, but with an AM hull or lowered hood and nose, it would stick way up and be obvious b/c of how it would lay on top of the hood.

I'm really trying to figure this out b/c this pole if that bulk could get a little smaller, this pole would sell like you wouldn't believe. I would definitely be in and hope the technology continues.

I hope I'm not interfering with anything and being annoying, but just throwing my .02 out there to see what happens. Yall are doing a great job.


Ok, so there seems to be enough interest in removing the "bulk" that I will try and appease the masses with a few renders - you may add your input as to whether or not they are going in the right direction.

First thing - Superjet444 - I will most likely not be lengthening the front box section for any reason. However I will take your advice, as well as Ben's on the clipping of the corners to smooth it out a bit.

Here are a few renders, take from them what you will and let me know if I've succeeded in removing any bulk yet...




Also - if everyone was running an aftermarket lowered hood, I would be able to have a lot more design freedom. The point of this pole was to provide a high performance, and aesthetically pleasing pole for a much lower price point, while having full 100% compatibility with all stock parts of the superjet. Unlike some other offerings out right now - I am not cutting corners in the design and forcing the buyer to buy a new fiberglass chinpad, which due to it's material properties will have less fatigue life than the stock injection molded chinpad. I have also labored in the design to keep the stock pole spring, as well as the aftermarket blowsion spring 100% compatible for the user to decide whether or not they will use it.

As with some AC pole that might would affect the clearance of some pole brackets

Not sure what you mean here - does the AC pole actually effect the clearance?
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Alright - glad everyone is liking the redesign! That was a test, here is the more finalized version. I'm going to look into having our logo etched into the front box cap piece by the water jetting company. This will be a nice accent to the pole and show through when powdercoated...

Here it is:

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