Honestly Compare sxr and Superjet


Chaos on a SJ
xeon.. i feel your pain ! im in mass and trying to find either a SJ or SXr was a pain in the balls..i almost gave up and almost bought older sxi.or was gonna settle for a 650sx ( nothing wrong with them, but just hoping to get a SJor sxr)..


i found my SJ by posting ads on my local craigslists and a seller actually contacted me. up to that point it took me about 4 months to find it..
and its not unusual for many people to drive 5 + hours to get their ski.
it sucks even more cuz summer is soo damn short here.. ive got till late september before wetsuits are needed then it just gets worse

i want NOW :p

hopefully i can talk to frostys friend.. id rather get one local then drive to nyc for a ski thats been in salt water EEPPP


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
I'm pretty fortunate because I own both an SXR and a Super Jet. Don't get me wrong, I love my SXR and have absolutely no plans to sell it, But if I had to choose between the two, I'd go with the Super Jet. It's just a way more versatel ski.


Rider Mod Needed
Catfish, NC
Before I bought my Superjet the only standup I had ever ridden was my 650. I bought the Superjet because it is lighter and smaller and like everyone has stated it will make a better freeride/freestyle ski, especially on flat water. I could not be happier with the ski; however, the guy I bought it from felt differently. He had two very nice SJs, one mostly stock(mine) and one very modified. He sold them both in favor of two SX-Rs. I have never ridden an SX-R so I can compare the two, but I think you will grow to love whichever you pick.


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
I ride with Frosty and have a mild limited setup SXR. The SJ is the way to go for flat water, but I love the SXR in the surf. The SXR is less expensive to start with, but the parts cost more and there is limited availibity of used parts, unlike the SJ. The SXR feels heavier, but it is really in the hull itself. Ride both, and decide for yourself. Dollar for dollar Newmans 05 SJ and my 05 SXR have almost the same amount of cash spent on them. These are all new parts put on new skis. His is more nimble, but slower out of the hole, mine is easier to ride in the surf, but a lot more heavy feeling for doing BR attempts and nose stabs. Figure out how you want to ride and decide from there.


High on jetskis.
my buddy brett had a sxr and when he got it it was the poop, at least we thought it was. he got a squarenose 650 and i got to ride both skis and decide unbiased what i wanted. after i learned to ride the superjet i came to the conclusion that the sxr was just too big and stable. kinda lost the fun with the ease of riding. it felt way too heavy for me to do any freestyle on, turning and straight gets boring!! the kawi guys hate to see this but imo its like a couch you stand on.
i bought a rn sj and every time out i learn so much, yet i am still challenged by its handling. im trying to keep it in salt water only now.


We have 3 skis
2 RN Super Jets
1 sxr

I lost my motor and took the one out of my wifes ski untill mine gets back,She is not a happy jet skier on the sxr In fact I have one more weekend to ride with her motor before sh#t hits the fan

Dont buy a sxr for the kind of riding you want to do You will take a hit in 3 montths when you sell it to buy a Super Jet


Rider Mod Needed
Catfish, NC
O GOD im in such a situation.. 04 sxr for 3700 not that fare of a drive with some mods... OR 04 Superjet STOCK $4500 that is a 7 hour drive? GARRRRR

whats teh better deal
Go for the SJ. I drove 10 hours one way for mine. I was gone 22 hours from start to finish.


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
You should have came to the beach and rode both tonight. Oh, crap that would not have worked well for the SJ considering the 3-5' chop that we took a beating in. LOL
well i found a couple sxrs.. not hard to come by.. superjets. toughhhh... but thats where im not sure.. honestly what do you think....

pay the extra g for the superjet and drive 7 hours there and 7 hours back or pay a grand less and drive not far for the sxr?
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