Honey, I shrunk the freak!!

I ended up going to get it at 830 last night from the hub, but other than that, im stoked! I couldn't have slept knowing it was only 45 miles away from the house and not in my basement... Needless to say, slept all night long! :)


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I heard he likes to play "hide the pole"....

....or maybe the pole is the real deal ninja and it's there but you just can't see it.
I got the blue pole with black tubes..... I'm a tad disappointed in the light color of the anodizing (might be the color light is my basement) But either way it still will look awesome!
Update: Worked til 11 last night and got the pump in, aligned perfectly thanks to @Matt Jones letting borrow his cold fusion alignment tool. Trim cable in and done, pump plumbing done, steering able in. Basically entire pump is done with the ride plate on. I got the motor mounts in and the motor is set in, but I got to adjust the mounts, pull the motor and tighten them, then align the motor. Then I am going for the pole before I start anything else. More updates tonight when I get home from work.
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