Yeah it just blows me away how some of the freshwater guys are so afraid of saltwater. I know a guy who isn't even bringing his ski to Daytona because he doesn't want to ride it in the salt.

My grandfather bought a 28ft Mako with twin 200 Yamaha Outboards new back in 1989. He lived on the intercoastal(saltwater) and the boat was on a lift and he didn't want to deal with flushing it out so he never did. He was definitely pretty well off so he wasn't worried about replacing a motor down the road.
Anyways about 13 years later and 800hrs on the engines the first engine blew.:bigeyes: Unfortunately it blew while I was fishing about 40mi offshore in the gulf.:banghead: He did always have the proper maintenance performed like new waterpumps/gearcase oil, but never regularly flushed them out.
:hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: YAMAHA
To all the freshwater guys:
It wont hurt your ski to not flush it out for a couple of days especially if you're riding it everyday. It's one thing to ride it in salt then let it sit and let oxygen get to it, but if you're riding it everyday then you have nothing to worry about. Just wait until the last day/or when you get home to flush it out.:biggthumpup: