how about a parts swap day

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toronto canada
the daytona freeride is becoming a week long event , how about having a swap meet, people bring parts that you dont need and swap for things that you need, i know there was lots of wheeling and dealing going on , what do you think


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Better off to just list what you have to swap..then communicate before the event and work out a deal. Then all you have to do is exchange items at the freeride.

I agree with this. Maybe a specific post about parts to sell/trade but I think that might get swamped quickly. I go down there to ride and meet people, not wheel and deal.

I'm pretty trusting but I have to admit that I'm a little weary about leaving little parts just sitting in a truck or suv while you're riding, eating, or sleeping. I brought some parts with me for my ski but I took so much crap as it was that I didn't have a whole lot of space for random extra parts. I even figured if I had wanted to sell my 750 pole, that would be the best place since someone will break a pole but that's just one more thing to drag along, advertise, and/or be in the right place at the right time when someone breaks a pole.


toronto canada
Better off to just list what you have to swap..then communicate before the event and work out a deal. Then all you have to do is exchange items at the freeride.

good idea , everybody has some spare parts hanging around and other poeple could use them, i picked up a turf kit, nose piece, footstraps, props ,during the ride i saved money and no shipping charges


freeride junkie
north palm beach
how about a "pay it forward" section.

where if you have an item that you just want to get rid of, and someone else "needs" that part, they pay for the shipping that's it. if you have a part post it, if you need a part look there first... i know why not just sell it, I'm not saying listing up a girdled head or something like that, but i had a handle-pole for a 550 and i listed it for free just pay for shipping. this way it helps everyone. i realize that there is potential for people to take advantage but you self police it.... just a thought. it works very well on a motorcycle forum that i hang out on..
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