How about name tags?...

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they normally don't check vins. I've shown up without one. all they want to see is the reg card. with that many people there and all that money they'll be taking in I don't think many ski's will get inspected.

correct me if I'm wrong slutty.



Анархия - мать порядка!
If one or both of your testicles are absent due to a medical condition or surgical removal, a testicular implant can help restore the normal appearance of the scrotum, improving your quality of life and confidence, and helping you feel better
Edwin, how do you like them so far?
Should I order a pair right now or wait for your Daytona Beach results?


Анархия - мать порядка!
To get your beach pass you'll need:
... (unneeded crap snipped)
noise device (whistle)
... (unneeded crap snipped)

You need to have ALL of this when you show up at the beach to get registered.
I never go anywhere without my whistle.


Анархия - мать порядка!
Hey Vitaly
I thought that accent was from East Brunswick?
It sure is! Pure East Brunswick Russian-Mexiacan accent!

Edit: BTW, John, about the ride around Manhattan this weekend... I think I need a pair of those that Saki has, cause my current ones tend to hide somewhere in the stomach area at temps below 65 after about an hour on the water. It is possible we are riding this Sat for an hour or two or three at least to The Statue/lower Manhattan or jump da hump or whatever weather/schedule permitting. You are very welcome to join us if we are riding.
If the weather sucks, I might just take my ski off the water and tow it to my garage, the marina owners've been pushing us for about two weeks already. :wallbang:
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Man...I can't believe you guys missed this opportunity to say:

I'll be the drunk one

....unless someone decides to pimp me a ski so you can all laugh your backsides off at my lack of surf skilz. In which case, I'll be the drunk one after I get off the water };-)~


may pimp ya my ski, cuz I'll be the one with the blue boot cast on AGAIN! If I can't ski by then, I'll be the other drunk one on the beach next to ya!:beerchug: (also lacking in jumping skilz obviously) :biggrin:

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
i'll be the guy with the couch........ and the helmet gloves and goggles on ;)

you may not be the only couch rider much longer...i am getting people telling me that bought the vid that they are coming to daytona and bringing the couch they presently own but are looking into seting up a stand up...

i love converts...:biggrin:


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
LOL Have you heard SJBrit, now that's an accent
:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

Not as bad as this freaky bald dude I know with some kind of hybrid anglo-american twang!! :arms: :arms: "God Save the Queen!!" (and all who sail in her.)

I'll be the one with the British flag. Hey Jesse - I want my sig back!!


lone wolf
its not that couchers arent welcome.its just couches that arent:biggrin:

its a saftey issue mostly.all of the riding in daytona takes place within a confined area :wink:


lone wolf
I'll be the drunk guy standing on the shore spectating since I need ANOTHER engine for my SJ and my other ride is a race prepped couch.

time is on your side.there is no shortage of superjet motors around here:biggrin:

pm me if your looking to buy,i have two for sale:fing02:


The original Mr. Mehoff
Jacksonville, FL
time is on your side.there is no shortage of superjet motors around here:biggrin:

pm me if your looking to buy,i have two for sale:fing02:

Appreciate the offer Butti, but I just bought my first house and getting everything I need to furnish it has me low on $$$.:banghead: I will keep you in mind when the time comes though.:biggthumpup:
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