How bad is a damaged meniscus?


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Damaged meniscus is fixed arthroscopically and there is minimal rehab time...if no other(ligament)damage.
i "chipped" mine about 8 or 9 years ago and the doc said it would need surgery to remove the pieces. i didnt have insurance at the time so i left it alone. never did anything about it and its still fine. i do alot of high impact sports (snowboarding, jetskiing, motorcross....) and dont have any problems with it.
I tore mine 8th grade winter snowboarding but didn't do anything for it until that summer when I went to the doc. He gave me a cortizone shot to see if it would help. It didn't. At that point I didn't want to do the surgery option because football season was coming up. I ended up not doing anything for it until my Junior year when I tore my acl and more of the meniscus. So that's when I had it cleaned up. Fast forward a year, and I tear the mcl, bunch of cartiledge, and more of the meniscus in football lol. Its been a year and a half since then, I never did anything to fix it. Its never felt the same and swells a little after any kind of activity. Never kept me from being able to do anything except squat all the way down.

I was told if it was just meniscus, its 4-6 weeks until you feel 100%

I know that's more than just a meniscus tear but that's my story haha


Ride for life
North NJ
I 1st torn my meniscus in 99 skateboarding. Dealt with if for a year or so than screw my knee up again and swelled to the size of a soccer ball. Had MRI and was going to do surgery but didn't like doctor. Than in 04, I crashed pretty bad on my sled. Couldn't walk ,did MRI again ACL was torn. Had a great doctor, did ACL and removed like 40% of meniscus. Said it was in top 10 of bad tears of 1000+ he had done. Wore a brace for about 5 years afterthat when ever riding anything. Past few years haven't need the brace and feels great. I'm now pro-surgery with the right doctor.
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Took 2 months to be a fully pain free rehab for an old guy like me and then I was rippin at Daytona freeride , but its like NEW again . FYI ... use lots, lots,lots of ICE for at least a week after surgery , You cant hurt it with ice, it keeps the swelling down and allows faster rehab ....FWIW . You can walk on it the next day .
I had my knee op 4 days ago and it feels heaps better only on pain killers for 24 hrs and no pain at all now

But my broken and dislocated wrist that's another story I have so much metal in there and have been of work for 2 months already
Tore my meniscus and my mcl senior year of football, did rehab and what not. First day back to practice re tore it, seems to be fine now unless i run for a long distance then it throbs but i dont like running so i just dont do that lol.


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sterling va
I tore mine in oct last year. I was at work and leg went one way I went the other.. I had to have 45 percent removed. They used a tool called a chomper. Basically after it was done looked like some one was taking bites out of it. I also over être he'd my acl at same time worst pain ever dr said it woulda been better to tear it. My knee was the size of a football. 4 days after surgery. My knee swells every time I do anything very physical. After riding I know something isn't rite..

I have also had it pop out of place 2 times since the surgery. I was out of work for 3 mths.
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