How dirty will you go?


Анархия - мать порядка!
My cousin and I are planning to ride around Manhattan and then shoot over and ride around the Staten Island landfill (freshkills Landfill)......this is gong to be an adventure, and I am sure that Newark bay is going to be nasty...
It's not gonna be that bad, the waters are pretty clean ("biologically" and "chemically") all around those areas.
The water is usually murky, but that's just sand. It turns brown usually in September for a few days due to the dieing plants, but it's safe. The sewer runoff mostly gets diluted to nothing in NY, you just have to watch out for the logs, electric poles, some garbage patches and capsized sailboats in the end of the summer, LOL. You can actually drink water from the Hudson, although it's not going to taste good (brackish.)


Johnstown, NY
x 2. The lake were I normally ride at is so clear I can see the bottom at 20", no BS!

Man this thread just makes me realize how bad water quality has gotten. Its terrible. I guess im real lucky that the lake I ride on is in a state park and is super clean. Its a dark lake from the constant flow of water (silt) but you can see down a good 6 feet.
Red tide is the worst I have rode in and will never do it again. The smell was terrible, I guess I'm a light weight when it comes to dirty water. I took my jammer up to Lake Corpus and it was nice up there, but was in a state of severe drought.


Red tide is the worst I have rode in and will never do it again. The smell was terrible, I guess I'm a light weight when it comes to dirty water. I took my jammer up to Lake Corpus and it was nice up there, but was in a state of severe drought.
lake corpus is nice... its deff cleaner than lake waco


Lexington, KY
I got ecoli poisioning from kayaking in one of our local creeks a few years ago. I was sick for a week, and couldn't even leave the house. It's just run off from all the horses and cows around here, but it's still poop. This creek also empties into the river I ride in.


thanks darin...noswad!
Down and dirty in the river here, mud, stumps, dead fish/crab, weeds, garbage, and construction debris....

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