How do I "de-stink" a wet suit?

Coffee grounds will get rid of onion, garlic, or fish smells that cooking often leaves behind on our hands. They even neutralize the smell of cigarettes left on your fingers after a smoke! Got this off a goggle search... instant coffee bath that sucker !!

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
My latest cocktail of hot water, Borax, Amonia, and Zep comercial deodorizer did the trick.

I soaked it most of the afternoon in my bathtub aggitating it by hand occaisionally. and then rinsed it. then soaked it again in a mild solution of warm water and the deodorizer alone for an hour and then hung it up to dry. it now smells like neoprene and the yellowing is gone.

it was a PITA but it worked, and I'm still money ahead.

thanx for all the helpful sugestions.
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