How do I set the timing on MSD TL ?!


Johnstown, NY
I have been dragging my feet with this thing since I've been waiting for some compression domes to be cut... We'll their coming finnaly! So now im syched and want my ski ready for the weekend. I spoke with Paul at LPW and with my setup he recommended 14 static and 30 overall timing. And to tell you the truth I dont have a clue on how to set it! I'm including a picture of my flywheel if you guys could edit it and show me where to turn things, ect... That would be so awesome:brap:



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at peace
I think you need to run 30 static, and 14 final...not the other way around.

Make sure you know what you're doing!

Go to and download the appropriate manual. It will have the procedure in it that you need - in detail.

Basically, it's this:
1. Find TDC, mark on cases
2. Find where it's firing
3. Adjust the pickup plate (through the flywheel)
4. Recheck and make sure it's firing where you want
5. Set your timing curve with the programming switches

If you're wondering about details, do yourself a favor and read over the manual once or twice. It will explain things a bit better.


Johnstown, NY
First let me say Matt you seem to always reply to my threads and be helpful. Just wanted to say thanks for that.

I had MSD fax me the orignal manual PN 4270. I think Im just overlly nervous because I do not want to hurt this motor. Also I asked Paul a few times to be sure and he said 14 static/30 overall timing. Here are the specs on the motor:

3/1000, 4400 start, 8800 limit for Total Loss. Also what Paul suggested...

62t/61x stock bore
Racing porting
B pipe
5mm crank
185 PSI on 93 octance
MRD fuel injection

I will be using this boat for rec riding, some WOT, freestyle and just hopping boat wakes. What are your thoughts?


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at peace
The 14 static/30 overall doesn't make sense to me.

You want a bigger static number (around 30 in your case) and let the ignition pull it back on top. If you start pulling 3/1000 off @ 4400, you end at 16 degrees or so.

Perhaps what he means is 30 initial (static) and pull 14 off the total at the rev limit


Johnstown, NY
I spoke with him again today to be 100% sure. He said since the the motor has a 5mm stroker crank and the rods are long (the pistons come out of the cylinder and dwell at TDC longer). That to set the timing at 14 degrees static and it will translate into 30 overall...

So ive got the manual but im still confused on what the proper methods are to change the timing... The 4 holes on the flywheel, do I have to line those up with the plate in the back and then adjust something back there? Could someone explain what to do in simple-people terms?


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at peace
:biggthumpup: Gotcha. You neglected to mention it's a stroker. It has much more TDC dwell than a stocker.

Listen what he's gotta say then.

To adjust, simply turn the crank/flywheel to where you can insert an allen wrench through the flywheel to loosen the two bolts holding the trigger plate down.
Slowly rotate the plate in the desired direction an approximate distance. Then tighten both bolts and recheck the timing.
Repeat as needed.

You may want to talk to Paul about how to find TDC on this motor. Because of the longer TDC dwell on this motor, the method described in the MSD manual may be wildly inaccurate. A degree wheel would work much better.


Johnstown, NY
The TDC has been found, you can look at the picture and the engine builder marked it with a line ontop the flywheel cover surface. Im going to see what I can do right now... And let you know what happens. If I get it all out of wack, would it be hard getting it back in the proper place?


Johnstown, NY
lol, I'm just being very precausous with this thing... Everything I've heard so far has told me this is a very precise thing and being just a little out of wack can fry a motor...

But Im back with another question and I got the current timing from the pervious owner.

First the static timing is 30 degrees... Which seems like a far cry from the 14 I was told to use... I hope he's right, I should since he is a master with engines..

Second, per the MSD manual I need to bring the flywheel to TDC and then find the 2 holes with the allen keys lined up... Well they dont line up at TDC, is that normal and what does that mean for me now?



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at peace
Don't worry about finding said it's already marked.

You need to line up the crank/flywheel with the two bolts ONLY FOR LOOSENING/TIGHTENING THEM.
Don't worry about exactly where the flywheel is at in its rotation. This has absolutely NO meaning. You just need to be able to loosen/tighten bolts

Don't worry about the 14/30 deal either. WIthout going into too much detail, because your motor is a stroker, the 14 degrees translates into 30.


Johnstown, NY
I tested it out today it seemed really underpowered... Im pretty sure i have the MRD setup right b/c the plugs looked good. It was so underpowered that when I hopped onto my stock SXR it just felt like a monster compared to it... Do you think this would be caused by the timing?

Also does the minus 5deg timing apply to the analog systems?


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at peace
Get yourself a timing light and actually verify the timing. I am sorry if I haven't told you this before (not sure, did I?). You need to verify timing at idle speed at the very least.


Johnstown, NY
Yeah Im going to have to do that. I bumped up the timing to 19deg thinking that was the problem but it did not help. I think it might be combintion of things. We did a compression test with the newly cut domes (snap-on tester)... I was aiming to get 185PSI but it was reading only 135PSI. This was a cold engine test though, but I dont really think it would go up 50PSI once warmed up... Do you? And another thing might be the prop is just too much for the lack of compression/power... gotta check the pitch again but i know its high.
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