How do you dissolve salt deposit and corrosion

How do you get rid of salt deposits or corrosion in the water ducts in a cylinder and also from bolt holes and threads?

I want to soak the cylinder but don’t want to damage it.. any tricks or cool chemicals??

long beach local

long beach local
WD40 or a solvent tank and compressed air .( Patience) small wire brush maybe ,scotch pad , chase the threads out with a tap. I use paint stipper clean it really good and give it a fresh coat of good paint also I tape some 80 grit metal sandpaper to a really flat surface a granite countertop works for me and carefully lap the head and exhaust surfaces . I use this method on exhaust manifold and oem heads also to restore gasket surfaces instead of a lapping stone as I dont have one. If you use water dry and oil the sleeves quickly as they will rust.
Thanks I’ll hose it down with WD-40 and see what happens. Tap would work but it’s tough on the threads... Was hoping to soak the cylinder and cases in something. I tried Acetone and ATF, it removed the red loctite but salt remains. I heard vinegar will do it or even soak in diesel?? Any truth to that?


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
For items that can fit in a gallon bucket, I knock off the big stuff with a wire brush and then soak them in Chem Dip. Works good on carbs and bolts but sometimes can discolor. Keep in mind if you are particular about that.

Taps are hard on the thread but I believe you can buy thread chasers that clean the threads but are not intended to cut the metal.

For larger parts than the chem dip can hold you are pretty limited at home. I did put ATF into a bucket to soak my bendix. I suppose you could probably get a bunch of chem dip and fill up a larger bucket. That would be pretty expensive however, but you could easily save the chem dip to do it again.
I use vinegar mixed with water in a spray bottle to get the salt out of my truck floormats after winter. Works great for road salt, so I'm assuming it's the same concept
Does your state use actual salt, or that weird lab made stuff? Some of that stuff es muy malo when it comes into contact with other chemicals.

Besides, you're actually making salt and vinegar floor mats!!!! Yum! My mouth is actually watering. (disclaimer: salt and vinegar floor mats may or may not be good, depending on composition and manufacturing processes. We do highly recommend not eating any floor mat (obviously), especially if the possibility of transferred fecal matter exists) That means if you may have stepped in poop, don't lick your floor mats.
Does your state use actual salt, or that weird lab made stuff? Some of that stuff es muy malo when it comes into contact with other chemicals.

I live in Wisconsin, they use it all depending on the part of the state. Some areas they spray the liquid before a big storm, some areas they use real salt, on sidewalks they use blue salt? Up north they typically just use sand. Depends on the budget of the county I believe.
Tested a few things

-Diesel soak 3 days = waste of money
-Acteone and ATF soak 1 day = dissolves
loctite and gaskets. Good for freeing stuck
hardware and cleaning threads
-Aircraft stripper = removes paint and some
corrosion with pressure washer
-Gun cleaning kit + drill = works good to grind
the corrosion off but brushes wear out quick
and break. Excellent for clearing threads!
-CLR = completely dissolves salt corrosion,
works great. If you are planning a bore this
is a great idea before and also for cleaning
hardware and threads. I was afraid to try it
on a good bore, I don’t recommend you do
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