Super Jet how far back to mount the footholds from front of tray

Fro Diesel

creative control
How far back are you mounting the footholds from the front of the tray on a rn sj?

I have heard the farther forward teh better, and i don't have to worry about rear exhaust since i took that out already.

15" is about where they used to be, and i measured 13" on my buddy's sn which we stopped riding in the surf bc they were so far back and his ski just sucks anyway.

I read here that 11" is good.....just looking for more input.

Can they be too far forward? I plan to use a pancakepete ffh and a strap in the back, but i don't want to rule out using the footholds for a backflip.
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high on resin
san jose ca
CIMG0180.jpgCIMG0174.jpgCIMG0187.jpgi like as far back as i can fit em. feels wierd on the trailer, but its perfect on the water. gives me alot more contro.l footholds dont cause cavitation.
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Everything is relevent to the size and personal preference of the rider. The biggest factor is also your pole length. If you want to run a really short pole you will want your footholds forward.
I think I have mine about 11.5" from the front of the tray.

Fro Diesel

creative control
^chad what's your ski's pole length? How tall are you?

I plan to run a neg 4 pole neg 2-2.5 riser bars and a lowered bracket.
i am 6'2" and run a total of -8.5 on my pole and steering and have my foothold all the way back. i actually cut 3/4 of an inch off of my holds to move them back farther. its all personal preference. most people dont like to ride my ski for long periods of time cuz it makes their back sore but it is killer in the surf.


My home away from home.
I would recommend riding it, see what feels best and mark it. Then install to that. I don't think there is any (install here and you will be golden) spot. Everybody's height, weight, arm length, pole length, riding style blabla is semi different. I'm trying to go ride to mark mine for this winters tray rebuild as we speak. Hope that helped and didn't confuse.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Surf or flat? For flatwater you want them all the way back. Absolutely don't ride it to see how it feels and install them there! It feels very weird once you first get your footholds in and start riding the ski, but you very quickly get used to it and then you appreciate why they're designed to go all the way back. Many RN footholds have a back molded into them so you can't help but mount them where they were intended to be.

For surf, listen to the surf guys - I really don't know (except that I'd fit straps any day over holds for the surf).


Orlando, FL
i ride most flat, I have mine forward 4in, but my handle pole is -9 and also moved forward 5in.
I just saw that u doing on RN make a 1 1/2 forward, and you will be fine


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
One thing to think about is that if you ever have any desire to try back flipping then you really don't want much ski behind your heel. Just a thought.-


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Definitely a preference thing. On a side note though, if you put the holds too far forward, you can just pad them a little more so your feet don't go in as far and that will get you a little further back. The other thing you can do is run a little shorter pole. If you put them too far back, you're out of luck and the only thing you do rip them out and reglass them. Remember if you have to rip them out, you just wasted $100+ in turf and padding.
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