How I do a scupper


So long and thanks for all the fish
So the 4200 doesnt stick to the CD when dry? or did you have to put something slick on the surface of the CD? ( car wax/wd40,etc)

Nope, comes right off, just make sure to give it enough time to cure and peel the cd off. If it sticks much, let it set some more.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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I've had the exact same scupper valve for 5 years now, same rubber flap, etc. It barely leaks, has always worked well, etc.

In the process of refoaming, I put a new tube in, used 2 street 45's to offset the inlet to under the intermediate housing, and just redid the outlet like I always have.

This works well for me.

I seal the pvc pipe to the hull (used PL roof and flashing sealant this time around instead of 3M), let that set up, then grind the pipe so it's slightly recessed from the outside of the hull, then run a bead of 3M all the way around it, then screw the ring on with a CD underneath. The CD gives me a smooth finish on the 3M, and the 3M stays flexible so the rubber flap has a nice surface to seal against. The ring gives even pressure all the way around.

You have to cut holes in the CD for the screws to go through, plus I have to chop one side off to clear the HIN plate.

It's worked so far, and 5 years on the same flap tells me it's a good technique.

What are STREET 45's? I'm getting ready to install my scupper this week. I'm going to use the outlet/scupper valve install like it's described here, but what is the intermediate housing and street 45's? I was planning on installing the tube and securing with 5200 on tray side and then using 5200 to seal tube to bulkhead on engine side and ramp up the gap from engine bay floor to outlet tube with epoxy/cabosil/microballoon mix.
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So long and thanks for all the fish
street 45 -

normal 45 -

One end of a street 45 is pipe size, so it fits into the flange end of the other.

I have a pic somewhere of my scupper tube assembled/installed before putting the tray in. Doing it this way, the tube is right on the bottom of the bilge and no 'ramp' needed.

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