Other How much fun can you have with a Gopro camera and a jetski?

Sad that people on this site are so full of themselves.... Backflips take ZERO skill to do. Anyone can hit a wave and lean back and hope for the best.

...and that video was much more interesting than most of the really bad videos posted on this site. At least they know how to edit a vid.
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So long and thanks for all the fish
Sad that people on this site are so full of themselves.... Backflips take ZERO skill to do. Anyone can hit a wave and lean back and hope for the best.

...and that video was much more interesting than most of the really bad videos posted on this site. At least they know how to edit a vid.

Devil's advocates, always ruining the fun for the 99%.


Every riding group should have a couch in it!

Great tow boats.

Great rescue boats.

As long as the rider understands where not to be! But I'm biased...I ride with one almost every weekend.


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
Haha thats sick and very respectable! Ive nose stabbed the schit out of my buddies GP800 when my ski broke down but I would never think of rolling it...


Sweet Baby Ray's Sucks
Daytona Beach
I started out riding couches. i thought they were the funnest things in the world and it couldnt get much better than that....until i bought a stand-up and realized what i was missing.

i really dont have anything against couches, theyre just fun to laugh at every now and then.


Site Supporter
Well, I don't know about you but I just sold my SJ. That should fund me a few days of rentals on a couch. Hopefully they are stock and beat to :):):):)!! .lol


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
It's too bad that we're too high & mighty to lend beginners a helping hand instead of ridiculing them only because of what they ride.
Guess what, the people that want to see our little hobby banned aren't as picky about whether you stand up or sit down on it.

I started out on sitdowns. It was only through helpful people on PWCToday (no X back then) that I tried out standups.
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Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
Everyone has to start somewhere, I dont know of anyone who has standup jetski rentals for obvious reasons. The important thing is he was out on the water and spending quality time with his son. The amount of fun they had renting a ski for a few hours could have opened up a can of worms for their future plans and they could be flipping stand ups in a few years from now because of that one experience they had renting a couch


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I used to size people up, judge them and criticise them for not being as cool as me. Then I reached like 12 years old and had a realization that people enjoy different activities. It also helped to realize that I'm only cool in the eyes of my peer group, and to the rest of the world I look like an idiot (ie: what couchers think of us). Not too many places to rent a stand up, and if renting a couch is the best they can do, applaud them for it. I have plenty of friends who have kids and families and can't afford a stand up. I tell them to buy a GP/XL1200 and a shuttle craft instead of a boat so they can come hang out, because a superjet is out of the question. My primary riding buddy for a long time had a XL760. A standup wasn't for him, but I didn't care, I was just happy to have company. I rode more back then.

Obviously the guy had fun and wanted to share his experience with us. I started on a Waverunner 3 because my parents wouldn't get me a stand up. It's all I had. I couldn't find any help at the time about stand ups so I took what little money I had and I bought a :):):):)ty 650sx because I didn't know any better. Then I spent the last 5 years recovering from that decision (in reguards to getting on track in the sport) because I frankly didn't know any better. I wish I would have met Tom and the Duck Pond crew way back when I had my Waverunner 3, became educated, and saved the extra $2000 to buy a decent ski up front and avoided all the :):):):) along the way.

So here we have a person who rented a couch, came here to say they had fun, and we play the "lets post videos to see who has the biggest shorts" game and then criticise them. What I would have given to have posted a GoPro of me on my waverunner 3 and had a warm reception at a place like this. I would have the last 5 years of lost ride time back.

My only beef with a couch is anyone can ride it, so they get too damn close to me because they lack skill and experience. Otherwise, it's just people having fun.

Remember, when someone passes you on the water, you wave at them. Stand up, couch, boat or a damn oil tanker, you wave, because we're all the same on the water. Hiding behind a fake name and a picture of some random hotchick you found on the internet shouldn't change that fact. Wave, educate, don't be a douche.


Be About It!
Wichita, KS
My couch is only used for pulling tubes. We go hard and when i need a break from tubing after i about die every time, i jack around on my stand up
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