How much tougher are barrell rolls on SNs?

How much tougher are barrell rolls to learn on squarenoses then roundnoses on flat water? and what mods are recommended or needed?


and by the way, i used the search and went through a lot of threads looking for the answer to this. sorry if i missed the thread that gave me the answer.


I forgot!
i don't think it would be that much different. The SN hoods are kinda weak and may blow off easier than a RN hood. The SN sides are naturally weak too so you may crack it along the bondline when learning this trick.
no different as far as learning from scratch.... you will get use to what ever you ride anyways.

The more motor you have the easier the trick is to pole off.

I would strongly suggest reinforcing!


Just ride
that handlepole is a bit of a disadvantage, try to get a roundnose handlepole for it. If you have a good low end prop, stock 61X motor and good enough skill you can get around almost all the way.
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