Super Jet How to check cdi and the pulser coil with an Multimeter?


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Right when I thought I had all my gremlins worked of my 91 Superjet with 61x 701, the spark got really weak/intermittent and wont start.
I picked up a cheap Multimeter and was hoping someone could tell me how to check the CDI and Pulser coil with it and anything else I should check? If I need to get a different Multimeter just let me know what function(s) it needs?
Thank you in advance!

This one has:
Test AC/DC voltage, DC current, resistance, transistor and diode, battery test
What condition are your plug wires and boots. The OME get old and brittle over time. Pull boots off and tug on the cooper strands with side cutter to check for broken strands. Cut back wires to where its good sold wire, no broken ends. Best to replace coil wires, or have JSS(jet ski soluution) do it.


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What condition are your plug wires and boots. The OME get old and brittle over time. Pull boots off and tug on the cooper strands with side cutter to check for broken strands. Cut back wires to where its good sold wire, no broken ends. Best to replace coil wires, or have JSS(jet ski soluution) do it.

I tried cutting back the wires and replacing the boots with NGK boots. It has the same weak intermittent spark. I have no problem getting a new coil/wires but I want to make sure that is the problem first. Is there a way to test them? Can i stick the volt meter in the end and try and start it and get a reading?

Also is there a way to test everything in this box?


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It isnt going the be the CDI, oem Cdi is reliable and if they fail it will be complete no sark condition. Weak, intermitent spark will usually be the coil wires/connections, stator charge coil, or start/stop switch going bad.
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It isnt going the be the CDI, oem Cdi is reliable and if they fail it will be complete no sark condition. Weak, intermitent spark will usually be the coil wires/connections, stator charge coil, or start/stop switch going bad.

Thank you for the reply Jet!
I disconnected the stop switch and there was no change. I just checked the ignition coil and this is what I am getting off the orange and black wires. I am not getting any value from the spark plug connections. So I am guessing this means the wires are bad and the ignition is still good?

Also I got a weak spark with both wires so would that mean that both wires are bad or can one wire being bad affect the other?


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I found a shop manual that gives insturctions on how to check everything, I tried to attach it but it failed. Is there a size limit? The pdf is 11.3mb.
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