How to get Kawi Sleeves out..?

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
How do you guys get the sleeves out of your kawi cylinders? Do I have to get them bored out? or can they be pressed out or???

you can put an old electric oven outside, crank that puppy up and put the cylinder in there for about 30 minutes, and/or until the paint starts to peel, remove it with some tongs, lay it upside down on the grass, and smack the protruding sleeves at the bottom with a 2 X 4, and they should pop right out. the heat causes the aluminum to expand, and the two different composition of metals expand differently at different temperatures, so they basically let go of eachother (so-to-speak) long enough for you to tap the bottom of the sleeves with a 2 x

that's the way the 750 sx's and sxi's are.
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thanks darin...noswad!
Can the 849 Mod be done to 750s Also??
In short … yes. However, for 750 owners, the situation is somewhat different because the 750 cylinder sleeve casting will not accommodate the 849 bore diameters. To convert a 750 cylinder to 849 requires re-sleeving. Unfortunately, the stock 750 sleeve is not a straight diameter sleeve that can be slipped out by simply heating up the cylinder casting. Instead, the irregular outside diameter of the stock cast-in sleeve must be complete bored out of the aluminum cylinder casting. Once this is done, we fit in high-nickel content sleeve sleeves, and bore them to the 849 diameters. In truth, the quality of the material of these sleeves is much better than the material quality of the stock cast-in 750/800 sleeves. For anyone wanting to prepare a high rpm 849 racing engine, we would strongly recommend a re-sleeved cylinder so that you can have these higher quality sleeve bores.
The large top flanges on these aftermarket sleeves encroach slightly into the threaded head-bolt holes around the bore diameter. Given that, the sleeves must be precisely machined to clear the head studs without removing too much from the valuable head gasket sealing surface around them. This whole process adds to the cost of the sleeved cylinder, but it is crucial for the sleeved cylinders to maintain a good long-term head gasket seal.

Group K


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Why not give the oven deal a shot... what would it hurt? Worst case scenario is you waste 30 minutes, a small piece of 2x4, and however many watts it takes for your stove to heat em


Finally Flippin
Why not give the oven deal a shot... what would it hurt? Worst case scenario is you waste 30 minutes, a small piece of 2x4, and however many watts it takes for your stove to heat em

I tried that with a 750 cylinder I had, didn't do anything at was in there at 400 degrees, the paint/oil in the cylinder was smoking pretty bad when I took it out.


makin' legs
you can put an old electric oven outside, crank that puppy up and put the cylinder in there for about 30 minutes, and/or until the paint starts to peel, remove it with some tongs, lay it upside down on the grass, and smack the protruding sleeves at the bottom with a 2 X 4, and they should pop right out. the heat causes the aluminum to expand, and the two different composition of metals expand differently at different temperatures, so they basically let go of eachother (so-to-speak) long enough for you to tap the bottom of the sleeves with a 2 x

that's the way the 750 sx's and sxi's are

All 750 sleeves are cast in. Must be bored out.

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..

genius, I really don't give a crap what you think,

I've been taking the damned sleeves out of 440-550sx-650 and 750 aluminum cylinders with an oven and a 2 x 4 for the past ten years, so eat it. anyone that tells you it's impossible to do as I have stated either wants your money for doing it, knows someone that needs your money for doing it, or just plain has no experience doing it that way. so before you decide to jump on the "bandwagon" following a bunch of inexperienced dweebs that just like to talk poop, you need to take into account the fact of that is exactly what they are.

:haha: it just kills me when some kid with no experience with this stuff, decides to spout off crap because he sees someone else doing it that he thinks is cool, and just makes a complete ass of himself in the process. you go bro. :rolleyes:
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