how to get your gas tank white again


Life's Been Good
Upper Bucks, PA
I was out on a site a few months ago where they were doing some soil testing. Well the guys out there had white plastic gas containers used for holding water that were red on the bottom. I'm talkin snow white and they were only red on the very bottom. It only hit me a few days ago that you could prob do this with any plastic tank. Just leave it out in the sun for an extended period of time and the sun will take all the color out. I know some of you guys were askin how to get you tanks white but could never get them to look brand new.


Old school -not by choice
Twincities, MN
Lucky, I have to paint to get that color...

However on the plus side, I didn't have to get the hmong cannon for my integra like some fools doo. I just waited until it rusted enough to sound like that...


Central Florida
I would think that setting the gas tank in the sun would cause the plastic to break down?? Wouldnt the UV rays harm the plastic? I also dont care what color my gas tank is... when you run off and leave some one in a race, or out flip them.. I dont think they are going to come up to you and ask to see your gas tank.



steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
I would think that setting the gas tank in the sun would cause the plastic to break down?? Wouldnt the UV rays harm the plastic? I also dont care what color my gas tank is... when you run off and leave some one in a race, or out flip them.. I dont think they are going to come up to you and ask to see your gas tank.


Not all plastics are UV sensitive to where they break down.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
stock gas tank plastic has no uv stabilizers in it if you leave it in the sun it will break down and crumble like gingerbread.

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
im with matt and dont see the tank when its on the water..

I agree for the most part. I just have a habbit of little ******** like the inside of my ski bothering me. I like showing off my bilge to people at the beach when they ask about to see it.

I'm not gonna stop riding to fix somethign so trivial, but while im down for a winter break and my gas tank is sitting on a table....sure...why not. Or if I'm reinforcing and I have the ability to cover up the decaying yellow with cool looking carbon. SCHWING
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