How to nose stab?

yeah, im gonna get some straps as soon as i get my money pit, i mean bike fixed. gonna look into gettin a new mat soon after that, its kinda tore up. n this winter im gonna clean up that front end a bit, take off the purple pride stickers and chin pads and plastics and paint it, prolly red w/ a flake or somethin like that
You can stab without them, I just got them dialed this weekend. Just push out with your ankles/side of your foot. My turf is starting to wear off right there where my feet are. Just practice the hops like said.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Riding with someone definitely helps, but the first time I did a nose stab was all about getting the right advice. I was at Lanier and Big Kahuna said "just go out and do S turns, and throw your weight forward on the second one." I went straight out and stabbed for the first time - simple as that!!

I think the biggest mistake people make is trying to spin the ski with their weight, which gets you in all sorts of trouble. Like I said, the pump does all the work: you just have to get the nose down and the back to break loose.


Riding with someone definitely helps, but the first time I did a nose stab was all about getting the right advice. I was at Lanier and Big Kahuna said "just go out and do S turns, and throw your weight forward on the second one." I went straight out and stabbed for the first time - simple as that!!

I think the biggest mistake people make is trying to spin the ski with their weight, which gets you in all sorts of trouble. Like I said, the pump does all the work: you just have to get the nose down and the back to break loose.

That makes so much sense! Now i just need the weekend to get here in order to try it!


my clocks stuck on 4:20
skinny man taught me in about 3 minutes
i recomend some sort of foot restraint
when i had my sx i went to hd and got some clear tubing and screwed it to the inside of my tray
you can do it without s turns
do a straight pre jump and while your in the air crank the bars all the way to the left
when you land do a nose stab
the bars just being cranked will invert you
its just a regular sub with the bars turned and a prejump
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