Those are the ear plugs I was thinking of using. They give them away at work and I use them when they test the fire alarm. Since you can still hear to some degree with them in, I thought this might be the best option for ear plugs while riding. I've had many operations on both ears as a kid and both ear drums are really scarred up, but fortunately no permanent holes. The helmet should help slow it down as well.
But I am thinking that my ear problem may have started with water getting shoved through the sinuses. Dr says both ear drums and ear canals from the ear drum out are clear, the problem is behind the ear drum on the left that is the problem. I saw mention of using a nose plug, but I would imagine breathing through your mouth when riding hard might be strange if not difficult to do. I think the ear infection came from sinus' getting an extreme back-flushing when hitting the water.
I know guys break ear drums on rolls pretty often, but does any one just get ear aches or infections without breaking the ear drum?