How to prevent salt water corrosion?

Philip Clemmons

Owner, P&P Performance
Richmond, Va
Thinking of doing some ocean riding with my new skis.................whats the best way to keep them like new?

Went for a short ride in the bay, thoroughly washed them afterwards, and it still looks like the salt water is after them................

What do you salt water riders do?


High on jetskis.
backflush, hose out engine compartment 2x, wd40, let sit with hood on hour, vacuum out water, store with hood off.
if i had money id get a 55gal drum of salt away!


9 years to retirement...
Tampa Bay
I will take mine to the lake, run it for 5 minutes there. Take it home and flush it with the hose for 10. Hose down the whole thing, let it air dry while I am doing other stuff like washing the truck and drying the exterior of the ski. Tip the trailer so excess water runs out. Dry off the motor. Stick a towel into the bottom to soak up any extra water. Spray with WD or silicone spray thoroughly. Park in garage with hood off.


spray the crap out motor and pump with crc, wd - or whatever.
builds up a coating.
then when you wash after all day in salt.. it comes right off.
then respray...


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
spray the crap out motor and pump with crc, wd - or whatever.
builds up a coating.
then when you wash after all day in salt.. it comes right off.
then respray...

Get an O-ring head too so that you can remove the head periotically and vacume out the sea shells, sand and salt from the cooling areas. It builds up quick and doesnt come out quick. Prolly not needed after every ride, but definateley every couple rides in salt & sand for me.

Don 79 TA

Still Fat....
i do what is mentioned here.
i have em sprayed down, in engine compart.
i flush afterwards, and use salt-away
i vacuum any remaining water

it's alot of work, but my stuff looks awesome

i also use mothers sealer/glaze on the ski, and back to black on the trimmings
everything stays nice and clean, and makes cleaning it easier.

i also blimp the throttle a few times out of the water to burst out some of the water inside the ski

as much prep as i do, you're bound to get corrosion somewhere sooner or later
my negative bat cable was rotted last year on me.

Washington DC
apparently some jet ski's have a piece of zinc mounted inside the cooling area of the cylinders, apparently this helps prevent the aluminum from corroding, it seems like my 61x cylinders have a spot to mount it (looks like a little fin in between the individual cylinders)....although mine didnt have anything mounted there

has anyone ever heard of this?

also has anyone ever powder-coated the cooling area of the cylinders or coated it with any type of paint?

cambo au

i use a product called lanolin spray it is made with lanolin oil it takes a few washs to completely come of i ride salt 100% of the time never riden fresh and you would never know it has 0 corossion
it all comes down to a good wash a little spray and a flush out = no probs

SJ Thumpa

Ride mostly salt. Try and get a tank or 2 in a week.

Heavily hose the exterior, pole, pump and trailor and rear of the car down first. Bilge the accumulated water out, take the hood off, lightly spray, hose engine and compartment being careful to miss the filters, bilge it out again.

Lastly, with the hose, I run a spray in the compartment continuously for a couple of minutes using the bilge (on and off) to get it out. Then I flush the engine for a max of 2 minutes. Spray the motor, pipe when still hottish, with some kinda (I use a siliicon based), lubricant, then spray all moving parts (cables etc) with the same. Then I sponge the residue water out of the hull. I then start the motor again for approx 20 seconds and I'm confident the ski's ready for the next ride.

Never had the heads off and have rarely changed plugs in 2 differently modded SJ's in the four and five years respectively that I've owned them.
I've only had one negative lead corroded that had to be replaced.

Some of my friends own newer ski's and clean them in the same way as me but spend more time wiping down over lubricant spray etc etc

I envy those that ride lakes, rivers etc that don't have to flush/clean.:Banane35:
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