How to run my X2 on the stand

Hey guys! New to the forum and thanks for having me! Just bought a completely stock 91 x2 (minus umi steering) for 25 bucks! My oil block off plate comes tomorrow and that's the last piece of getting this thing running. My question is, can I run the ski on a stand with just a hose to the flush kit? Or is there another option?

(Pic is before I cleaned it up)


  • 20240614_112728.jpg
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Awesome killer deal. I have a 93 x2 that I got bone stock and eventually put a built 750 in it with a pipe, milled head and a sbn 46. Fun skis. You should be fine to run it out of the water and no hose hookup for 2-3 min or so without revving much. Just touch the front of the head and when it starts getting too hot too touch shut it down. You won't melt anything doing that. If you run it on the hose then make sure to start the engine first before turning the water on and turn the water off before shutting the engine won't know how it will actually run until you put a load on the engine. Such as strapped to the trailer backed into the water. If it hasn't ran in a long time but has had fuel in it, definitely take the carb off before riding it to make sure it has proper fuel supply.
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