How to stiffin the handle pole?

I have a stock superjet pole and brackett and I was wondering how I can stiffin the pole where it will stay in any position. Do I need to ditch the spring and use a two bolt system? Can this be done with a stock setup without breaking anything?


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at peace
I did that - unintentionally - for a few months with my stock pole/stock bracket/stock pole bolt.

Just crank it down good.
When you let go of the pole will it stay where you let go at or does it return to a certain position? What kind of spring did you have?


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace has nothing to do with the spring. You were wondering how to stiffen the pole to where it stays in position.
I told you exactly how to do that. :wink:


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas

Did your junk work with the 2 bolts and hold the pole still or not?

did it require an aftermarket spring?

show some love for the new guys man, I mean really.



steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
First of all, my junk is none of your business. :fingersx:

Second, I used only the single stock pole bolt on the stocker setup. I had an aftermarket UMI (?) spring installed, and just (accidentally) cranked down the bolt too hard.
Made it stay, and I ended up liking it.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Mine's the same: UMI spring and bolt cranked down tight so the pole doesn't move. If I'd been smarter I wouldn't have wasted the money on the spring and just tightened the bolts right away (not to mention the avoiding frustration of changing the spring over....)

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Gainera2582 said:
Funny, I installed mine in 25 min using the blowsion spring and never had a problem at all or any troubles installing it!!!

Different design......... installs just like a stock spring.........

you want hard, use an R&D lowered Bracket and an AC Pole....... Took 2 hours and 3 peeps to get it on.
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