What are the widths of some after-market hulls like BOB, Trinity Composits, Rickter, etc?....
3 ax handles wide
I think he wants to know so he can figure out if two of them will fit side by side in an enclosed trailer of a certain size.
Nah, with a bottom/top picture you can scale it and get length, and once you know length you can scale a side shot to get height and other dims. With a few minutes, two pics and one dimension and AutoCAD you can easily get most dimensions of a ski (I guess you could do it with paper and a ruler if you wanted to).Lol!! He's gonna need lengths aNd heights also.
He wants to compare the width of a stock superjet tray with normal glassed in food holds (foodhold to foodhold) with the a/m hulls. I will let you know later as I am curious as well. I have a SJ with FH and a/m hull as well..