Other Hows my motor look?


Captain of this ship
I have a 735 Jetmanic motor
Vforce 2 reeds
b pipe
ada head
44 dual Blackjack

I was riding last weekend and noticed the ski was acting like it had water in one cylinder - I also noticed air bubbled in the cooling lines. I stopped riding and figured I must of damaged/broke an o-ring (never touched the motor over past two seasons).

I removed the head two switch out to 35cc domes for our Pismo trip next month and inspect the motor. Below is pictures of what I found. Looks like the front cylinder has some bad scarring and some pitting in the head. Any ideas of what of might caused this? Am I still ok to ride the ski? Will it be ok for my Pismo trip next month?



Judging your cheapness
St Cloud Florida
If the motors a couple years old it maybe a good idea to pull the cylinder to inspect the rings, replace the wrist pin bearings and check the crank. The tiny pits in the domes could be the wrist pin bearing failing.

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Captain of this ship
Thanks blue - I almost wondered if it was detonation? But why one side and not the other? Suggestions on what to do to ensure its safe for Pismo?

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Judging your cheapness
St Cloud Florida
Not sure when ur leaving but. Pull the cylinder and inspect everything. At a minimum replace the wrist pin bearings, gaskets, rings, and lightly hone the cylinder. Rotate the crank holding the rods to see if its noisy and take a close look at the rod bearings and thrust washers. I dont think its detination it looks more like bearing fragments. Hopefully its just a wrist pin bearing since there the cheapest fix. I typically replace my wrist pin bearings and rings every 2 years.

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unless u are getting debris from water its like sand blasting but yea it does look like metal

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