HPE 4mil "bolt in" stroker kit


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Update interresting tread

i have one 62 T crankcase with OEM modified crankshaft ( re located stock rod to convert in +6 mm)
nobody here in Tahiti , is able to make special stroker dome , this set sleeping on my shelve….
I ll want to wake up , is it possible to have +6 spacer and dome ? Or something to match with my set
Thanks a lot
Modifying a set of domes is pretty easy, and domes are pretty easy to ship. Actually I believe you can make a drawing and ada will make custom domes for you.

There is more to the whole thing than that tough. 6mm from a stock crank seems a little sketch to me but I don't know what you can get away with. You'll need to work out how you're going to space the cylinder up or not and what port timing is acceptable, do you have long rods that need to be accommodate, what your displacement is going to be and what your want your compression ratio to be, and modify based on all of that.

Any of the good builders familiar with watercraft engines should be capable of helping but cost might but be worth it.
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