Waste Land
Non Multa Sed Multum
- Location
- Florence, AL
I has posted this in another section(+ Feed back) but decided it wasnt the place.
When i bent a rod and the crank just wasnt worth keeping I was getting ready to buy a Hot Rods crank and allt he stuff needed for a rebuild. Some how the planet aligned witht he counterweight of the sun times the angle of black berries on a cold day and somethign weird happen.
Jerry told Ross about my crank and he just decided to give me one:arms: He had one or two sitting for a backup but needed to get rid of some of it. So I get a email from Ross saying he's got me a crank if I just pay shipping....WTF I didnt even know he knew i had a dead engine.
Just wanted to let everyone know how cool that was of him and he's def a great guy to hang and ride with.
When i bent a rod and the crank just wasnt worth keeping I was getting ready to buy a Hot Rods crank and allt he stuff needed for a rebuild. Some how the planet aligned witht he counterweight of the sun times the angle of black berries on a cold day and somethign weird happen.
Jerry told Ross about my crank and he just decided to give me one:arms: He had one or two sitting for a backup but needed to get rid of some of it. So I get a email from Ross saying he's got me a crank if I just pay shipping....WTF I didnt even know he knew i had a dead engine.
Just wanted to let everyone know how cool that was of him and he's def a great guy to hang and ride with.