HUGE Thanks To Ross!

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
I has posted this in another section(+ Feed back) but decided it wasnt the place.

When i bent a rod and the crank just wasnt worth keeping I was getting ready to buy a Hot Rods crank and allt he stuff needed for a rebuild. Some how the planet aligned witht he counterweight of the sun times the angle of black berries on a cold day and somethign weird happen.

Jerry told Ross about my crank and he just decided to give me one:arms: He had one or two sitting for a backup but needed to get rid of some of it. So I get a email from Ross saying he's got me a crank if I just pay shipping....WTF I didnt even know he knew i had a dead engine.

Just wanted to let everyone know how cool that was of him and he's def a great guy to hang and ride with.



I'm Baaaack!
Mobile, AL
You could also think about calling crankworks.
They will repair just what's needed on a crank. So if it only needs a rod, they will replace a rod. But everything else will be cleaned and inspected too. They would let you know if anything else looked worn.

When I talked to them, there was a $150 rebuild charge plus parts. With a rod kit being about $100 you could have a good spare laying around for about $250. I've been thinking about sending them a couple of my cranks that need one bearing or a rod.
Waste Land said:
I has posted this in another section(+ Feed back) but decided it wasnt the place.

When i bent a rod and the crank just wasnt worth keeping I was getting ready to buy a Hot Rods crank and allt he stuff needed for a rebuild. Some how the planet aligned witht he counterweight of the sun times the angle of black berries on a cold day and somethign weird happen.

Jerry told Ross about my crank and he just decided to give me one:arms: He had one or two sitting for a backup but needed to get rid of some of it. So I get a email from Ross saying he's got me a crank if I just pay shipping....WTF I didnt even know he knew i had a dead engine.

Just wanted to let everyone know how cool that was of him and he's def a great guy to hang and ride with.


you should send him a pair of gloves as a thank you :sneaky:
yamasaki said:
ross is a cool guy. look forward to riding again with him sometime soon!

<omit crashing jetskis reference> :cheer: :Banane01:

cool that worked out for you jesse. it's cool when people help each other out like that..... DFTC....


that will never get old...
I still feel bad about that...

And I can't use gloves, I wold get an uneven tan...and I hate tan lines :bigeyes:
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