Hull cleaning

Hey guys, I am completely rebuilding my 750sx, I am almost at an empty hull and was wondering what the best way to clean it out was. It's all white so maybe throwing some bleach in there and scrubbing?? I have access to a hot water pressure washer so I will definitely use that. Was just looking for some tips or advice from anybody that has done this. Thanks


Back in the game!
Charlotte, NC
Pressure washer is money for cleaning out a hull! I used stuff like simple green or purple power to clean the could probably bleach it afterwards too.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
Add in a scrub brush with stiff bristles, bleach, soap, and water/sunshine dry
Awesome guys thanks, I'll pick up some simple green or something simaler, a bit of elbow grease with a scrub and pressure wash and it should be golden! Before/afters will come soon!


Stock Sucks
White Lake MI
Use tide put some in fill the hull with water and let it soak for a while the longer the better. We use it all the time on sea doos. The easiest way to do it on an assembled ski is fill it with a couple inches of water and tide and trailer it around for a while will look like new and smell good too.
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