hull questions?

I'm starting to assemble the heat up old superjet hull i bought and wanted to know if these little hulls are for drainage ? wondering if i should plug them up or what's the deal/or best way to keep them ? I here that SJ get water in the foam and need to drain and that's how you drain them true/ false ? there's also a few pin sized holes on the rail of the bottom of the hull . what should i do with all of them? plug don't plug ? there's 2 on the back of the hull on the bottom and 4 pin holes on the bottom rail of the hull. thanks superjet 001.jpgsuperjet 003.jpgsuperjet 004.jpgsuperjet 005.jpgsuperjet 006.jpgsuperjet 007.jpg
Im pretty sure the back ones are for drainage, just put a small screw in them. The bottom ones i dont know though, i wouldnt think their for drainage


Arlington TX
The ones in the bottom are strange. I would mix up some epoxy and plug them. For the ones in the back, I would recommend finding a way to install a screw buy keep it water tight.

I used expanding T-nuts in one of my hulls. There are a variety of methods, but IMO, it important the holes only let water out, not in.

Do you know if the hull has been re-foamed?
X2 on the rubber expanding t nuts. Kinda bulky though, I epoxied some brass threaded inserts in mine and used some machine threaded pan head Allen bolts
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