Hurricane Apex hull

I have one and I like it a lot, I ride it all the time. I have the first hull, not Billy1080s I’m not sure where his went.
It’s a great all around boat for surf and lake riding. Much better in every way than a SJ hull besides Cornering above 30 mph. Not really a flick able air machine but I can flip it on surf easy and Kinda FW roll with a 701. It’s a little more Superjet like than a edge but some may prefer that.
I feel if Hurricane would or Could have offered these at a 3-4K price point they would’ve sold dozens or more.
It feels to me like A few years ago when aftermarket skis became more common and a lot of people bought them and realize they couldn’t ride them to their potential Then sold said skis so now the entry level am hull market isn’t what it once was.


Urban redneck
A few years ago when aftermarket skis became more common and a lot of people bought them and realize they couldn’t ride them to their potential
I think your on to something there. I rode my buddies rickter with a 900 or something in it. Way more ski then I could handle and still have fun on. I prefer my superjet for what kind of riding I do.
I bought the hurricane from Billy, finally got it out on the lake this weekend with a JM781, 144 mag pump with a 9/15 Hooker.
I honestly love this ski so much.


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